Friday, July 27, 2012

But Who Am I?

The Kinderchat challenge for today...
a photo get to know 140 characters or less per pic!

This is a piece of driftwood that I saved from a recent trip to the beach. See the little granules of sand?

 Today the kids and I set up the house for our painted ladies and I learned the plural word for chrysalis is chrysalises or chrysalides. Aren't you glad I found out?

 This is what my notebook looks like. A blurry view of the poem about driftwood I am loving and hating (first stanza peek).

 I went to the library today.

 I love chalk. I love poetry...the two go together again on July 31st. should do it too!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's it to you?

 Slice with Ruth Ayres and Stacey Shubitz at Two Writing Teachers and read from a diverse group of slicers!

I have been home, all day. Cleaning a little, putting away a few things, playing with the kids, normal stuff. My life recently has not been this normal flow. We have been on the go! Finally we settled back into our home and all I kept telling myself is..."get on your computer, get your slice done already." Here it is, almost 7:00 p.m. I have had all day and I can't think of anything.

Yet, I know I have thought of many lines and just not felt it:

"What's it like to be behind a mirror?"
"I wonder what it would be like to be a well dweller?"
"Tree people" I can't wait to see that movie Epic due out in 2013. It's like they were in my brain.
"Fruit flies. Who invited them while we were camping and visiting family?"
"New fish." Our fish were fine but they needed new friends. "I wonder what living in a new tank is like?"
I saw a sugar glider at the pet store today. "I had no idea sugar gliders were so ornery, hmmm, I want one!"
"I want a pond."
"I need a little of my own skin time, no one on me...literally." Kids are hanging, bored, pulling, ayaiaiai!
"Bunnies are so cute." My kids saw a "bunny cat" today. It was actually just the neighbors cat, but in the right light, it looked like a bonafied bunny.
"I want a bunny."
"I love frog hunting with my kids." (Fun times at my parents house).
"Frogs are so sticky and it is remarkable that little guys will curl up on you if you let them to feel your heat."
"I love frogs. I want one."


So, I read. I read some poetry from a great book, The Tree That Time Built, selected poems by Mary Ann Hoberman and Linda Winston. I read a little Word After Word After Word by Patricia MacLachlan. I even read Babymouse: Queen of the World and I still sat here. Perplexed. Bewildered. Hmm....

Then I checked my stats. What are people reading on my blog. I decided to join in and re-read my blog a bit. Then I went back to the start of the school year and read to see where my head was at. Have you re-read your blog? It is eye opening. What's it to you? You should find out.
Then I read my whole "reprogramming" series. So funny to look back at yourself...hmm...kind of like being behind the mirror. I wonder what that would be like?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lake Michigan, the month of July. It is upon me and we are exploring the world around us as much as we can. We have been away and I mean AWAY! We went to West Virginia for a family reunion/camping vacation. However, it was not the best time to visit the devastated state. Even without power however, she was a beautiful place. But a little recovery from the experience was in order, so we went to our favorite spot to camp in Michigan…Ludington State Park. This is one of the most wonderful and relaxing places I know. My little family and I visit each year (for three years now) and as soon as I see Lake Michigan I am immediately calmed…it’s like being set free.
I did not realize how much I would miss blogging and not miss blogging all at the same time. I found a little spot of internet access today, parked and posted. This poem, as I wrote it, as I felt it and as I peacefully walked the dune to take the photo below reminded me how much I love my state of Michigan. It is unlike any other place I know and how lucky I am to live here.

For anyone who lives in Michigan, I also thought of the Pure Michigan ads that run on our TV’s and radios chuckling a little. If only I could get Tim Allen to do an audio of my poem!

Stunning and showing off the star she is…the sun.

Lake Michigan
A blinding glare
paints squints and smiles.
The sunlit waves
and sand for miles.

Estates of Dukes and Yorks abound.
Then washed away,
the sun goes down.

Orange and pink
strokes of bliss.
Soothing sprays
of happiness.

Beauty stares into my eyes.
My toes sink in,
my paradise.

I am hoping to chalk this poem somewhere on some pavement while I am here (yes, I brought chalk, of course)! If I do, I will share a photo. 
Remember, the next Chalk-A-Bration is July 31st, I hope you can make it.