Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For My Grandmas

I was looking today, for the elusive creamer that has us all wondering. I went to the box. You know which one. I looked. I took out each piece of fragile memories, unwrapped them, set them carefully down and moved onto the next. I looked in every corner and under every plate or cup where it could be hiding. I still didn't see it. So, to help the creamer live on in whatever box it is currently lying I wrote it a poem.

The Creamer

Lying dormant
in a box
I wonder about you.
Where are you?
You and your iris print
and herring bone pattern,
aged depression glass
textured in stripes
"Check inside the soup tureen."
I think she is telling me,
but I look,
a teacup lives there.
"Look in the tomato box."
I search and find her smell
wrapped in a tea towel
barely holding a sugar bowl.
"Did you move aside the pitcher?"
"Yes, yes I did."
"Look again."
I look, only to find a ladle.
I wonder about you,
missing your matching dishes
lying somewhere
wishing for some cream.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Writing Space

About two years ago I created a nice writing space for myself in our basement. It worked for a little while. I used it frequently and then it became a place to "put" things. Kind of like a treadmill becomes a clothes hanger. I got overwhelmed with the space and gave up. I started writing on my couch again and it worked, sort of. There are just so many distractions and it becomes hard to focus and not get pulled in many directions.
This past weekend my husband stayed up until 2:00 a.m. cleaning off his desk and began to purge our basement. It started a pattern for the week of purging and sorting. It was good. We have continued to organize and I started to see a new space in the basement that could become my own. I needed a pretty space that was large enough for my books and desk but away from the toys and play that is bound to take place.
Last night I spent several hours moving furniture, sorting books and searching for artwork. I created a nice spot for myself once again and I am more determined now to keep it that way. I hope to write many good slices, poems, blog posts and maybe someday, even a book in this spot. One can dream.

Now I just need a comfy chair!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I just finished a Google Hangout with three of the five other writers at Two Writing Teachers. As we talked we circled around purpose, audience, independence but what really stuck with me was the word, identity. I think it was Tara who brought it up. She talked about a writer's identity. I thought back to my life as a writer. I don't remember myself feeling like a writer as a kid. I wish I had, but there was very little encouragement and even less flexibility to write about your own stories. I wonder what they would have sounded like if I had been able to write them. I will never know. It's kind of sad. I hope that my students save all their journals and booklets to cherish, even if just for a little while. I hope it helps them find their identity as a writer. I hope just being in my classroom with hope and encouragement helps them find their identity, their voice, their inspiration. I know I have found that in this writing community. It is what got me started on a writing journey and what anchors me to do this for the long haul...the rest of my life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Terrifying? Wonderful.

A week ago I had more anxiety than I knew what to do with. I was going to be going on a plane for the first time ever, navigating an airport for the first time ever and attending/presenting at NCTE for the first time ever. It was a bit overwhelming. I wasn't too worried about the presentation, but excited. I was, however, terrified of flying. I knew it would be better than I expected. Boy was I right! Airports have this thing down to a science. I was able to figure it all out with the help of very nice people. I got on the plane and felt calm. Sitting near the window I wondered how that would go, seeing everything. We were delayed! Really delayed. There was snow and ice on the plane and four people had to leave because the plane was too heavy. Oh boy! I was amazed that people actually volunteered to leave. They de-iced the plane twice and then it sounded like we were ready. I was ready. I sat there ready to brace myself and then we started to take off. It was exciting! I looked out the window at the blowing snow wondering if we would get above it. Slowly we went higher and higher. All I could think was, "I'm in the air!" I may have even said it out loud. Because of the delay I was going to have to really truck to my next plane to make it on time. We landed, I got my bag and ran. I ran and ran and ran through the Detroit Metro Airport. It was almost a mile of running. I found the gate and was amazed to see a short line still waiting to board. Lucky me they were running a bit behind. I was out of breath and sweating, hands trembling, but I had made it. Once again in the air, there wasn't a flake in the sky and we were up without a problem. As we got closer to Washington D.C., my destination, I saw all the monuments. It was amazing. I was also reminded what autumn is suppose to look like. We landed and I was elated and relieved. Found my bag in baggage claim without missing a beat and boarded my shuttle to the hotel. What an amazing experience. I was so proud of myself for doing something completely out of my comfort zone.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Magic of Silver

I remember the day. I got my first set of 64 crayola crayons. I remember looking over all the colors and being in awe of the silver and gold.
Today I had a student ask me for a gray. Needless to say, I couldn't find one anywhere. I do have a stash of a few silver and gold crayons tucked away in one of my cupboards, so I brought out a silver. You should have seen the sparkle in his eyes.
"A silver? Gage, Gage, we've got a silver!?"

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Catching Up!

This week my student teacher is taking the week for teaching. She has made great progress and handing over the reigns, though difficult, has been wonderful. I have been getting caught up on so many things, one being the heaping piles following the aftermath of report cards from last week. After today I was doing a happy dance at all that I had accomplished. Got some assessment done to recheck a few things. Made some books for my students. Created a new chart for our stations that should help things go much smoother. Re-configured my schedule to adjust to a new schedule for our para-professional staff. They are taking away support time from my classroom, but a new schedule should help. I even got intervention plans done for several weeks. I am hoping they will get me all the way to winter break. I am feeling good, relieved and a little guilty. Why the guilt? Well, I know a lot of teachers who would love a week to do what I am doing. I wish it was possible to give teachers a break just to get ahead and get organized when it begins to all get overwhelming.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mark Your Mind

Marking your mind
no fear
shedding some light
on rights we hold dear

I voted today. I voted late, but I made sure I got there before it closed. My kids were interested in the process. I explained it as best I could. Maybe next time I will bring them with me. It's important to show our little ones the importance of this right. I hope they will mark their minds when the time comes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

One Word

So, today is one of those days where I'm just going to type words and see what happens. I am so tired, sinus headached, and spaced out. It seems like every day comes with a bit of stress but today was particularly overwhelming. I am beginning to sense a pattern that maybe Tuesday's are not great days for me. I feel like my slices have been a bit on the down side. So, to deal with my stress I will write a little passage that expresses the way I feel right at this moment.

You took my words and threw them into the air, out of context, out of order. They fell into piles. Words that didn't belong to one another now lay next to each other. Standing over them like a giant I take my enormous hands and try to piece them back together but I fumble with the tiny strips of paper. Winds begin to blow and the little bits begin to scatter in even different directions. I try to step on them but they get stuck under my toes and flap around, eventually tearing leaving some without letters. I grab at the scraps as they fly like confetti into the clouds. I listen to the skitter of dead leaves on the blacktop and watch the remaining words swirl in a furry like a storm. I look to the leafless tree that hovers over them, wondering, waiting for new words to bud as my hair blows over my eyes. I squint through the wind noticing one speck of white flattened on the trunk. I step slowly forward, pushing the hair out of my eyes as the gray wind threatens to take the white speck. Reaching out I peal the tiny strip of white paper from the trunk. It has three letters on it, Y, O, U. You. I hold the word to my heart as my hair lays flat against my back and I stand in the silent shadow of the tree limbs. You, it's all you need.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Long Day

Today was the day that wouldn't end.

  • Four meetings eating every moment that I might have been able to breathe.
  • One meeting that had to be rescheduled because I completely forgot about it, probably because I had four others!
  • One grant, finally done and signed.
  • Items my son forgot to take to school delivered on my lunch break.
  • One student who went down a wet slide whose parents needed to be reassured it wasn't his fault for fear of him getting into trouble.
  • One student who never got off the bus today because she went to the gym instead by mistake and was missing for over an hour. We finally realized she was still in the building, THANK GOODNESS!
  • OH, and I had to teach of course!
Ah, done! I am now sitting here folding laundry starting a load of whites and getting ready to do it all over again. Hopefully with fewer people needing my attention tomorrow. One can dream. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It Warms My Heart

It seems that I always have a conference night this time of year and it falls on a Slice of Life Tuesday. Thinking back, each year is different. I can say that this year brings new challenges, new families and great conferences. I am happy to hear that so many of my families are shocked by the progress their children are making. It warms my heart. I had a lovely conversation with a colleague prior to one conference and she was so complimentary. It warms my heart. I sat across from a mother tonight who is concerned for her child but eager to help her in any way she can. She listened as three of us talked about the struggles and accomplishments. She was happy in what could have been a very difficult conference. It warms my heart. I had a funny conversation with a colleague tonight, we laughed, hard and it was a nice break during a tiring night. It warms my heart.
It warms my heart to know I am surrounded by happy children.
It warms my heart to know that families are happy.
It warms my heart to know that colleagues appreciate my work
It warms my heart to be in the place I am right now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Words Were Lost

I sort of feel like I've been in a breakup. I used to write a poem almost everyday. If not everyday I had a line or something I was working on. This was a time in my life where words were flowing easily. I haven't written a poem in months and it has begun to haunt me a bit. I've been looking for them but I've been uninspired.
I used to search for birds everyday near a pond on my drive to work. When I was fluidly writing poetry, even if my poem wasn't about them, they seemed to get words flowing. But, the birds have not been there. The cranes, the egrets, the blue heron, they have been gone. I still look everyday. This past Friday my son said, "Mom, I just saw three cranes." I replied with a somber, "Really?" If I hadn't already been running late it would have been one of those days I would have turned around. But I didn't. I continued to live the day uninspired. I really didn't believe he saw them anyway, why would they decide to show up now?
This morning there was a thick mist rising from the pond and it caught my eye. I looked out to see the sunlight attempting to burn off the fog and it created this blanket of light. Standing there under the warmth of this morning were three cranes. One with his head up and two with their heads down. They were standing like a single statue in that mist, as though they were all part of one piece of art. Then the other two slowly raised their heads and the three stood at the edge of the water together, looking at what, I'll never know. I like to think they were looking at me. Like they found me. Like they had been searching too.

I've been looking
under rocks
in the wet leaves
at the cranes that reach
their necks high in the sun
and low in the grass.
I didn't find you.
I thought you were in their shadow
hiding among the blades
but instead I found dew.

Near the pond I sit
waiting on this breeze block
wondering if you will show
in the ripples of this water
in the grains of this sand
and when I look out across
these reflected clouds
I see you on the other side,
the other side of these words.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sometimes Discouraged

Sometimes I get discouraged. Today is Chalk-A-Bration day. I have my loyal chalkers. Margaret Simon, Linda Baie, Liz Steinglass and Robin Sheldon. There are the occasional chalkers. There are those who love the idea but don't really have the time. There are those who just forget. Sometimes it rains, been there done that. Not an easy chalk day for sure. It snows, even harder. So, sometimes I am discouraged. Why do I continue doing this? Well, it brings me joy. It seems to make others happy, even if they don't find the moments to chalk. It's okay. It really is. I know what good intentions are. I have plenty of them. (The pile of laundry that needs to be folded, probably not happening tonight). I need to continue to find the joy in chalking poetry. Even when I can't find the words to share. Even when I can't find the right color or get the photo just right. I will find the joy in chalking a poem. It is a happy thing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Girls on the Move

I do an after school program with a great friend and former teaching partner at my school on Monday's and Thursday's. It is called Girls on the Move and we do everything from Zumba to yoga in one hour. This year we have over 60 girls. There is something really amazing and fun about jumping around, running and stretching with a gym full of girls who are packed with energy. I start out dreading it a little after a long day of teaching. Then I change my clothes and pull my hair up and I feel a little more ready. But when I walk in that gym to echoes of giggling and excitement, "Mrs. Hubbard are we doing yoga today?" I can't help but smile and feel their energy just flow right into me.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Twitter Poetry

Last night the Two Writing Teachers and I had a Google Hangout and were talking about different tools for writing. Then the conversation went to Twitter and I started to think about the Facebook poetry I did in April. From there my thoughts traveled back to Twitter and I thought, "Hey, why not Twitter poetry?"
Soooo, today after reading a few poems to my class I asked them if we could come up with one line to start a poem. One of my little guys said, "It should be about our butterfly!" See, we let a butterfly go the other day after watching it in its chrysalis last week. I thought that was great. "Okay, so what should we say about our butterfly?" They thought a minute, a few shouted out some ideas and then one student said, "We said goodbye to our butterfly! Bye and fly rhyme!" How cute I thought. We've been talking a lot about rhyme and listening for rhyming words in poems, songs and rhyming activities. It was nice to see someone apply it independently. A bunch of students agreed that was a great line. So we tweeted the line and waited.
This evening a few friends of mine have added lines and this is what we are up to so far:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today was my first day of school back in kindergarten. I was anticipating a lot. I hate to say it, but I was mostly anticipating problems. All these problems are normal in kindergarten. Kids just don't know any better, they are immature and quick to react. Little kids cry easily and miss their mom. These things happen and I was ready for any or all of it should it occur. 
But then...
and I hesitate to even say it, almost none of it happened. Not only did everyone come in fairly happy, I think about two tears were shed (honestly, more from parents than kiddos). It was remarkable. We got to our play time and...they...played. I didn't have to do a lot of coaching like I normally do. I have one student who is on the spectrum and he was completely happy, even gave me some eye contact throughout the day. Someone knocked over another student's block tower and he said, "HEY, who's going to help me repair this?" He didn't throw things or kick someone, he actually responded quite appropriately. This was the first, first day, that I didn't have someone under the table or someone run out of the room in years. No one was pinched or bitten. Best of all, they seem like happy kids. That makes me hesitantly happy. I keep waiting for the crew from Punk'd to show up and say, "Just kidding, here is your real class." That being said, I have loved all my former students and classes. They were exhausting and I am sure (based on how I feel right now) I will be exhausted by this class as well. However, it feels different. I'll be anxious to share more as they get more comfortable and more personality traits are revealed but for now, I am going to soak it in a bit.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I'm not sure what to write about but I was looking at this blog a little bit today. Looking at the name and thinking about what it means. What does it mean to live my words? Is this about being honest? Is it about living every moment and not forgetting? What is it? What was I thinking when I wrote that name? I wonder a bit. Then I decided I would write a little poem about what I think it means. Maybe it is about living not just in the moment but hanging onto it a bit; letting the moments linger.

I'm living.
My words
are like waves
washing and wishing
splashing and dashing
white capping
and thrashing
as I walk
my path washes away
but my words
stay as vivid
as the sunset.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Not Writing

I'm going to write about not writing. Yes. Not writing. 

I have been struggling to find my words lately. A friend recently shared this with me and it has helped me gain some insight into why. 

It is a post about how to find your "writing groove again."  

The first suggestion is to make a list of why you aren't writing. Well, there are many reasons actually. Things that do take priority at times but mostly I just feel very distracted from writing. Sitting down today to write this slice all I could think was, "I can't think." 

Then it says to purge your writing space. I spent countless hours about two years ago creating a space to write. You know what it looks like now? A mess. I don't even go down there anymore it is so overwhelmed with books and disarray. I guess I know what I need to do. 

Read a book, not just any book, but an amazing book or a craft book. Right now I'd give anything to have the attention span to read a page let alone a book. I think some good poetry is probably a place to start and I have several books just waiting to be opened. 

The last suggestion is to just do it, write anyway, even though you feel like you can't. I think this is my best option right now. Just do it and sludge through the mess that is likely going to arise in hopes that there is a piece or a phrase that ignites something worth telling. I think I need to get back to my writing habit and stop obsessing about my inability to hold onto thoughts right now.

not writing
no words
just here
will you lay
sprout from my ears
and please find your way
no dirge do I hear
your death 
not occurred
I'm waiting for you
on the page
to return

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Can't Help But Think...

little fingers
shoes untied
fumbling hands
and sparkling eyes
smiles big
while some have tears
hugs for both
will steer the year
happy days
and bad ones too
here we go
we go to school

September 2nd is the day! The day little feet come walking in my door and we start a new journey together. I went from first grade back to kindergarten this year, so essentially that is like leaving second grade (end of first) and going back to preschool (incoming kindergartners). UGH! I can't say I'm not a little nervous but it will be like riding a bike. I will remember what to do and we will have a great year together, at least eventually. :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August Has Arrived

It's hitting me. The loss of my class from last year. I am sad. I started this week with some new kindergarten kiddos and as expected found myself missing my former students. I saw one of them dropping off a sibling; it stung a little more to get a hug from her. I don't officially start back until September 2nd but we have a week long camp for incoming students to acclimate to the building and staff. It is a great opportunity for all of us to ease back in and get to know the kids and their parents. I sat yesterday with two on my lap sobbing after I pealed them off their parents. I had some aggression come out in some today that was a little unexpected. Then there are the rambunctious behaviors that are fun but also need to be kept in check. We had a fun two days. Three to go and then I can go back to a little summer before it all really happens.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


As I write this I am standing in my classroom. I walked out right after school on our last day, June 18th. I had to get to a conference in Indiana and my classroom would have to wait.  When I returned I was pleasantly surprised with my daily progress while packing up. I came across a few pictures, reminders and little notes students had written me this year. I held back a few tears. I finally feel done with the year. I finally feel good about what I gave these kids over the past two years. It was tough to say goodbye, but I know they are ready for next year. I'm sorry to see them all split into different classrooms; they were such a little family. I look forward to a new crop in the fall. A crew of kindergartners itching to be writers, readers, scientists, mathematicians and historians. I look forward to being that first teacher to some who haven't been to preschool. But most of all, I look forward to teaching my new students how to be kind, gracious and caring to one another. I love being a part of growing kids who love learning but also who love each other.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


At dismissal today we all sat in a line waiting for the buses to pull up. I looked at the row of students. Over half of them were reading while they waited. It gave me a bit of joy at the end of a long day to see them reading. A time when they don't really have to read. They just wanted to.

Yesterday, one of my students said to me, "Mrs. Hubbard, feel my backpack!" I get this a lot being a first grade teacher. Kids are always wanting me to feel how heavy or light their bags are. I lifted her bag and almost dropped it to the floor.
"Kaylee, what on earth do you have in here, rocks?"
"NOoo! Look inside!" she said with a grin the size of her head!

I opened her backpack, mind you a little afraid. It was really heavy. Inside were at least a dozen books. She started laughing like she couldn't get the giggles out fast enough.
"I told you it wasn't rocks!"

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

These Kids

Through scrapes and bruises
I hugged you through
I wiped away tears
You nestled into
my arms full of hope
for your future
I blink
It's brighter and bigger
than you'll ever think
I'll watch you continue
side by side
hand in hand
as you make me proud
that you took a stand
and stayed by each other
like brothers and sisters
a family forever
it's you
I'll remember.

I have been feeling a bit melancholy this week. I am realizing I have little time left with my kiddos and it makes me a bit sad. I've done everything I can do. More than anything else I hope they are better people that will stick by each other forever. I've had them for two years, all of them, with a few new ones here and there. We've grown so close and I will always know how they are doing since they are in the same class of students as my daughter. I will be able to watch them all grow and change. I tell them this. I will be watching. I will be checking to make sure they keep their promise to stand by each other for the rest of their life, (a bit dramatic, but they're six so a bit of drama is necessary).

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Busy But Grateful

A quick and late slice...

Yesterday I went out to my school playground to find this:

I was overwhelmed and speechless. One of my good friends at school, Kris Shrontz, a fellow slicer, and her husband designed and built this incredible chalk house. You can imagine how excited I was if you know anything about me and chalk. Let's just say when I took my two kids out there this morning to get this picture I was beyond happy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Tomorrow he will be nine. Not a baby anymore. He is my oldest in fact but I can't help thinking about him as a baby today. All those milestones. All his silliness. All the little quirks that make him unique. He still makes little funny faces just like he did as a baby with his face scrunched up or an "ew" expression just whenever he feels like it.
Tomorrow he will be nine. He is halfway to 18. A cycle of nine years will repeat again but be a totally different cycle. He will have more science projects under his belt. He will have finished the Secret of Droons series he is currently reading. He will have a larger stack of notebooks and drawings. He will have lost all his baby teeth and stop believing in the tooth fairy.
Tomorrow he will be nine. But in 18 years he will be 27, completely on his own. Maybe even have a family. I might get to hold another baby who scrunches his face and acts silly. But for now I will cuddle my nine year old and hold onto this moment as long as I can.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Old Notebooks

I don't think it is news, but I love notebooks. I have several. Some have been well loved and some are just not my favorite so they don't get used as often. I'm not really sure what makes a notebook worthy of my love but I think it has something to do with what ends up inside. Not so much what it looks like. Some of my most beautiful notebooks are only half full. So, a few weeks ago one of my notebooks only had ten pages left. I knew the end was near.
I have been holding off on filling them. It's like I am stalling the inevitable. Now today, my favorite teacher notebook for school has only ten pages left. I sort of let out a gasp. "Not you too!" 
These are my two favorite notebooks. One for school and one for everything else. I've been dappling in some of my other notebooks but they just feel wrong.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I Looked Around My Room

I was on my way to work today thinking about this book I am reading (Conferring With Readers by Jennifer Serravallo) and a poetry class (Teacher Poets with Chris Lehman) I am currently taking. There is a simple structure when talking to kids, conferring with them, pushing them to the next step of learning. It's simple in my poetry class too as we workshop poems: Compliments, Questions, Considerations make up the structure of our conversation. I think I complicate things too much. It's just not easy squeezing all these parts into a 3-5 minute meeting with a student and then expecting that learning to take place after I leave. I looked around today and wondered if I am doing it right. That's not an invitation for you all to throw compliments my way, I mean I really wondered.
I looked around and I saw progress but not the kind of progress that the district, state, heck the nation expects. I looked around and everyone was reading, everyone. We are all in different places. Some are tearing through a chapter book a day, it's crazy how much fun they are having getting sucked into the story. I have other kids starting Mouse Tales and Frog and Toad. They are so excited. I have students setting goals like:  How many Mo Willems books can be read in one day? I also have some students who are still looking at picture books and engaging in shared reading in order to work on comprehension strategies because they are unable to process all the skills needed for reading accurately. (To clarify, they read very simple text that doesn't really have enough going on to make meaning). When I really think about it, I believe it is okay. Don't get me wrong, I want them to succeed, but I don't think that you have to read a level J in first grade to be successful in life either. Some of them will get it in second grade or third. However, the problem is that these teachers have added pressure as well and when kids come in "behind" it is stressful for everyone. How did we end up here? I don't know.
What do I know?
It's simple.
Conversation about books.
It's simple.

I saw this video yesterday on Facebook and I can't help but agree with every word. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Days Folding In On Themselves

Today was a day that began early and felt as though it would not end.
A poetry slice.

The day
a beginning
an end
it circles around me
I am the middle
and the edges never come together
but they exist
as I exist
one folding into the other
they lay together with no contrast
as days pass over each other
covering the twists and jolts
the ugly and the beautiful
the parts that would
distinguish the two
covered by the next day
and I am left with a smooth surface
each morning
a blanket to swaddle
all the parts of me
I hold it tightly
and wait for the end
as the beginning unravels
unfolds and begins

Sunday, April 20, 2014

If Not For Franki...

I wouldn't go to so many conferences! Franki is the one who always says to me, "Will I see you in February (March, April, etc.)?"

I wouldn't be making a Chalk-A-Bration shirt. Franki is the one who always says to me, "When will the shirt be done? I want one."

I wouldn't be as driven to make change. Franki is the one who always says to me, "You can do that!"

I wouldn't know so many educators and writers in the field. Franki is the one who always says to me, "Do you know (insert name)?" Or, directing her attention to the other person, "Have you met Betsy?"

I wouldn't have made so many purchases at MRA! Franki is the one who always says to me, "Look at this, you need this." 

I wouldn't have the large stack of "to be read" books in my book stack. Franki is the one who always says to me, "Have you read this?"


She's the bright spot in your day lighting the way for all of us to be better, more connected and excited about what we do. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New Space

About a month ago I began thinking about starting a new blog. I sort of swept the idea away as fast as it came. I couldn't imagine having another place to write, but the little corners of my life didn't really always seem to fit the purpose of my other blogs. I have Teaching Young Writers, which was my first blog where I began a great journey into communities like Two Writing Teachers and explored my understanding of the teaching of writing in my kindergarten classroom. It was a corner of my world, but only one. I began slicing there anyway. Then poetry seemed to be taking over many of my slices and posts. I had joined in on Poetry Friday quite regularly and felt like I needed a spot for my poems. That is when I Think in Poems was born. From there I decided to start a classroom blog, Hubbard's Headlines to post my students chalk poetry and artwork as well as links for parents to useful tools for learning. Three seemed like enough, maybe too many already. But, along came the opportunity to blog with Stacey, Beth, Anna, Dana and Tara at Two Writing Teachers and another blog was added to my list.
SO, Why yet another? I needed a spot to put the other parts of my life. A place to store slices and journeys with my family. I needed another space and here I am at I'm Living My Words. I recently transferred all my SOL posts over to this blog because this is really where I want them to be. I want all my little random corners to land here for safe keeping. It feels good to have a place for all those bits of my life.
I'm sure I will still put an occasional poem and maybe even a slice about my classroom too! But until then it will primarily be for slicing.
Now onto a slice!

Today was one of those busy days where I felt like I might not get everything done and sure enough, I didn't. I have report cards hanging over my head. I had a poem to submit for an online poetry class. Barry Lane is coming to visit my school next Friday and I am making final preparations for his arrival. My daughter's room is a sty, (it's so bad). There is a ton of laundry to fold because my husband was sick all weekend and he is normally a huge help in this area. My son has an "at school field trip" with a lumber jack tomorrow and I had to get a snack for the big day. A bunch of little things along with the big things like work, dinner, playing UNO with my daughter, checking in on my son's reading life and having a conversation with my husband that wasn't interrupted (that was the hardest one). However, a lot of these things did get accomplished and I keep telling myself, "The day isn't over yet!" I also realize that the reality of my situation is some things will have to wait (my daughter's room being one of them...I did help her clean one corner however). Here's to all our to do lists! May we all be productive in the coming days! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mystery Trip Day!

When I was a kid on spring break we didn't take big trips. However, my parents still tried to make things fun and would take us on Mystery Trips. It was basically a day trip with lots of little stops at fun restaurants or activities close by. Though my sister and I often rolled our eyes a bit, we loved it.
I decided to take my kids on a mystery trip today to celebrate spring break!

We started here at a museum not too far from home.


Made a stop for lunch. 

Of course we needed to find a playground:

Found this adorable independent book store.

Then we rounded out the day with some ice cream.

And we are beginning to see the beginning of an eye roll! I got the message. We were done, after a quick stop for me and some much needed coffee!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Poetry Celebrations and Opportunities

The world is alive with poetry and I am hoping to be smack in the middle of it, overwhelmed by it and excited by it. I have been perusing the internet to see what things are on the horizon this month and stumbled on to Jama Rattigan's blog, Jama's Alphabet Soup. She has a whole list of activities going on the whole month.

Then late last night I ran across a tweet from Stacey:

I got beyond excited and quickly visited Chris Lehman's site. Here is a portion of the flyer with the link to more information.

I plan on trying to get on the team. It would be so much fun to be in a writing group that focused on poetry. I really think it would stretch me as a writer of all forms. So, join in too or send me some positive vibes that I get a response of YES! Crossing my fingers.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Don't Cry Just Come Back Tomorrow!

Snow is melting. My chalk is out. I am happy to see the sun. But more than anything else I am happy my daughter can wear shoes that are socially acceptable without socks. IT'S SANDAL TIME!
My daughter is a sweety but put her in socks and she can be a down right terror. We love her, but the sockless boot wearing and sockless shoe wearing gets...well...smelly. I mean really. I'll just put it right out there the girl's feet would burn the hair out of your nose if you got too close. Now there are also other articles of clothing she does not like and I will leave that out of this post, but lets just say today she got to wear a dress, sleeveless, with sandals and there was not a tear shed. By either of us. Hallelujah, thank you spring.

Now, onto other business.
Today was Chalk-A-Bration. Check out the chalkers here.
Today was the last day of March SOLSC, but please join us tomorrow at TWT for the Tuesday SOL.

It has been wonderful getting to know so many new people through this process. I love SOLSC and appreciate all the readers and commenters that stopped by here on their way around the links. It is fun to share a space in this community. I hope I will see some of you at ALL WRITE!!! in June or maybe a few of you at nErD CampMI in July. If so, please leave a comment so I remember to search you out! Until then, happy April (write a poem) and happy spring.

Chalk-A-Bration March 2014

YAY! It is finally here. Spring has arrived and I cannot think of anything else, especially when I write. 
I hope you will join in with a piece of chalk and a chunk of sidewalk in your own neck of the woods to share with us here! Just write a poem or illustration, take a photo and link it up here from your blog!

My two shares and some of my children's work is below. I haven't seen my kids this excited about chalking in a LONG time. They were squealing when I told them it was time for chalk!

 I love 
the warm sun

 The neighbors even joined in a bit! 

 A road leading later to some hopscotch!

bike ride
sun chased
red faced
clear sky
happy sigh
"Spring's here,"
I cheer!