Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Snow Days for Days

We don't typically get a "mid-winter break" in my school district. However, it seems like the weather has inadvertently created just such a break.

I had plans this week, ideas to try, things we would accomplish. Instead, I have spent way more time in my pajamas than I thought I would and had a few extra boxes marked off on the to-do list.

There is a real bliss to snow days. I only hope my students are getting the same bliss I am. I have a warm home, plenty of food, water, people around me. I have everything I need.

I most likely won't see my students again until Friday, at the earliest. I have a feeling we will spend a good portion of the day talking about our snow day adventures. It should make for some really good storytelling and maybe some good story writing too.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Ten Minutes

I started back to school yesterday. My lesson plans were pretty loose. I had some general things I wanted to accomplish and my expectations were pretty low as far as achieving "normal day" status. We started off slow, and by mid-morning kids had fresh books to read and were choosing reading spots for the month of January.

Since the beginning of the year, I've been giving students almost daily sacred writing time. I've done this in the past but this year I made a real commitment to doing it daily. Sacred writing allows students to write about whatever they'd like in any genre. They can work on collaborative projects, blog, or just write in their notebooks if that's what they prefer. It is separate from our writing workshop time. I dedicate about ten minutes a day give or take. I have a lot of kids working on books together and making publications for our Student Authors Reading Box in our classroom library. I have had more students writing at home than any other year before and had a parent scan and send me a 13-page book their child made AT HOME! It is fully illustrated about a character he has created.

I sat in my classroom yesterday during sacred writing time and watched students QUICKLY get their materials and get right back to their independent projects. I just sat and watched. One interaction that I found particularly interesting and exciting was a table of three boys, papers spread out all over the table and a heated debate on the direction they were taking the book next. They were quietly arguing, lots of "No, I think we should..." or "I don't think that should go there." They were completely civil, getting their point across and never needed my input, they had it figured out eventually.

We ended up accomplishing a whole lot more than I would have ever anticipated for the first day back after a break. It was a refreshing surprise and I was feeling pretty proud of my class.
Not everything I do every day has a tremendous impact on students. I do my best. Not every part of our day is perfect but I have to say, those ten minutes were pretty outstanding.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

OLW 2019

When this time of year comes around, I usually revisit all my past words.


When I go back and think through my past words I also usually revisit those times in my life and think about what was going on in each of those years. It's like a walk down memory lane in some respects. 

This year, like every year, I struggled to come up with a word. I've been grappling with several waiting for the word to hit me like it usually does. In some strange moment or encounter, the word always becomes crystal clear.

I've tossed around many. Heart was a really strong contender for quite a while. I even started a playlist inspired by the word, but it didn't feel like the best choice. Start was a thought for a while. Then I thought about Finish. Both of these were inspired by long amounts of procrastination. I felt like I had a trial run with each and neither seemed to make an impact. Then I went back and read several of my OLW posts and I realized every year I seem to reflect in some way. I always want to be just a little bit better. I don't have any desire to be the best at all things, but I do hope to be better at all the things I want to do in life.

Things like:
  • be a good mom
  • supportive wife
  • helpful daughter and sister
  • empathetic citizen
  • inspiring teacher
  • encouraging colleague
  • empowering writer 
I just want to be a little bit better version of myself. Knowing that not every day will get me closer but some days will. 2019 is a good year to focus on what is better and what goals I'm setting for myself. I'm sure there will be some surprises along the way too.