Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Last week we were a day away from my oldest's road test. So I'll skip ahead and tell you he passed with flying colors before telling you the details. 

My youngest and I went to my classroom to pack (I had to re-pack in preparation for a move-a whole other story). I kept checking my watch.

"Jane, Did you hear from dad?"

"No, why?"

"I just wondered if they left yet--are they there--I don't know."

I got to work on a cupboard, then another, and before I knew it, time flew by. I had completely lost track of time. I looked at my watch, realizing it was near 2:30. The road test had been at 12:30. 

Oh no, why haven't I heard? I better call. No, I'll text. 

So, how did it go? 

Phone rings--"Hello? How did things go?"

"I passed!"

"That's awesome!

"Yeah, and I've got some stories."

When I got home, I got all the details of the test. One of which was, while on the bumper to bumper expressway, a semi began to merge, and the tester grabbed the wheel to avoid an accident. Elliot kept his cool and was not rattled.

After his test, he was able to go get his license from the Secretary of State. What a day! 

Over the past week, I've watched his confidence grow significantly. He's had a tough year with losses and adjustments that no kid should have to experience. But this, this experience has filled him back up, and I can see joy creeping into his days again. Tonight he took himself through a fast-food drive-thru. He got back home tonight like it was no big deal. What a great feeling. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

One Last Practice

Back in March, my son had segment two of his driver's training program. Unfortunately, he also got a fever after the first of three classes and had to miss the rest. This was, of course, going to set back his timeline of getting his license the week of his birthday. One more bummer to add to the list for the year. 

The next possible time to take segment two was last week. He was able to complete the course, and his road test is tomorrow, followed by an appointment at the Secretary of State's office! He's a pretty confident driver, but parking has been a challenge at times. I'm pretty sure he has nearly perfected his backing in parking the past two days. 

We set off toward town today to try out parking a few more times and a few parallel tries too. It was also a good chance to practice entering and exiting on the expressway. The kid is ready. I'm so excited for him to reach this milestone. If all goes well, we will have another licensed driver in the house! 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Spring Clean Preparation

I've been noticing things. 

I'm not a super-clean-everything-must-be-spotless kind of person by nature. However, I can get into that mode, and I most definitely come from that upbringing. 

The other day, coming up the basement steps, I noticed a line of dust on the inside of the door jamb. I haven't dusted here, I mean, honestly, I only dust what I see, so I have never dusted this spot. I also never noticed it until...until I did. This led to looking at the baseboards—the cupboards. Then the crevices in the windows and sliding doors. EW! So I did what any person would do. I went and watched a bunch of viral cleaning videos to get inspired! And, it worked. 

Well, I mean, I should say it inspired me to grab the Swiffer, take care of the dust and then immediately buy a Scrub Daddy, some Dawn Power spray, and a box of Magic Erasers. I'm preparing for a deep clean. I've even been protein-loading my meals to get ready. You might think all this preparation is somehow a way to delay or procrastinate since I have so much time on my hands for a few days. But you'd be...well, you'd be right. I really kind of want to lay around a little bit. I'm still kind of winding down because I have no lessons to create or Seesaw videos to watch and respond to. I think I'm in shock. 

BUT...as soon as I'm done relaxing, binge-watching television, napping ridiculously, and sitting to sun myself in the backyard, I am destroying that grime on my baseboards. It'll be any time now. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Something for Me

Move 61%


Excercise 46%


Stand 108%


The rings. 

They really have me checking, thinking, planning. 

I'm really good at tracking student progress. I can take a note, type it, voice it, do anything with it, and use it for good. 

When it comes to tracking my own progress, I fall down a bit. I take some care of myself, but not enough, and this has been a year I've realized it more than ever before. 

My family got me an apple watch for my birthday. I hadn't wanted one until recently, but I love it. It's helping me to stop and take a moment to breathe. I've been told that will get annoying, but I seriously need the reminder. Stop--focus on yourself for a minute--you can--and you should. 

The rings, they push me to move more. Being a teacher on my computer all day, I'm actively singing, dancing, and interacting as best I can, but it's not the same level of activity I'd have if there were 20+ bodies in the room. Still, I manage to get some exercise points in there. 

What I'm also noticing is when I'm partway toward a goal (that's when a ring closes on the watch), I grab the leash, or run to the backyard to play chase, or drag a kid outside to hit the volleyball. I am doing better for myself, and although the watch seems a bit extravagant for me, I think it's doing the job I need it to do.