Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Curiosity is a Dog in Spring

Through the glass door

I see you roaming.

Nose up.

Then down.

I can see the ripple of smell

as you follow it like a trail.

You pause 

like you're considering,

here or there?

I wonder, what is it?

I root for those who may be scurrying

under your paws.

Do they sense you?

Your head darts around.

Changing course?

Then, all at once, the digging begins.

You maneuver 

the freshly thawed earth

expertly into a mound.

Only to be befuddled again.

Where did it go?

Your freshly dirt crusted paws

bring you to the back step.

With defeated eyes,

you await the paw washing. 

Pro pet owner tip:

We got this little paw washer from a pet store last summer. The brilliant little design works great for washing paws, particularly spring doggie paws. It sits in its appropriate spring location, at the ready. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Trash Day Poem

Two steps out
Deep breath in
The sun's smile
greets me 
and I'm distracted
by the spring air
and warmth.

Sweep here,
Wipe there,
What else?
Two steps in
one shoe slipped off
I hear a squeak.
My mind wonders
with a quick inhale
my shoe slips on.

A quickness in my step
I can see it down the street.
Grabbing the handles,
swing and tilt
I awkwardly flee
down the driveway.
Whispering, "don't fall."
Wondering, will I make it?
My heart pounding
I slowly walk back
Huh, that wasn't the garbage truck.
"Trash is out!"

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A Waiting Room Poem

Waiting room
you are so awkward.
Your anticipation,
walls cruelly crowding
my inner peace.
I look around you
not letting my eyes linger
in any one corner
too long. 
Listening--who did they call?
Pausing--is anyone moving?
Wondering--was it us?
Security guard small talk
and yet 
I oblige.
At times feeling 
I might burst right out of my body
to escape it.
Anything to move.
Just get me out
of this seat!
A waiting room is a menace
with well-intentioned design
full of people
who don't want to wait.