Tuesday, May 30, 2023

My Inner Beatrix

I've said before I want to be Beatrix Potter when I grow up. For as long as I can remember, I've longed for pet ducks, bunnies, and acres of land to paint or portray with words. One of the few movies/shows we played on DVD for my son when he was four years old. 
Down the hall, the seventh-grade science teacher has been incubating duck eggs. I've checked on them, wondering and waiting if they will hatch. We've held the light up to them, checking fullness. Over the weekend, he sent these photos out to all staff. 
We had three babies!

By the end of the day today, there were six! I spent a long time at the end of the day holding the four that had been hatched for more than a couple days. Two of them were still fluffing and gaining strength. Their little bills were nibbling and peeping. I was instantly in love and trying to imagine a pond in my backyard and waddling on summer days. 
Reality tells me now is not the time, so I'll enjoy the ducklings and cuddle them in between classes.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Two Goals

As the school year winds down, I am considering how I can begin to focus on my own wellness. I do many things well, and some are just non-existent. 
I had a birthday two days ago, and one of my gifts was a bullet journal. Nothing too fancy. I did add two goals inside--reading and water. 
I'm starting with increments. Reading for enjoyment. When accomplished, I color in a little box.
Sixteen ounces of water counts as a box filled in too. I can only go up from here. 
These two things might seem small, but they are two areas I really struggle to pay attention to. I also know each is important. Therefore, if I get to color in a box each day I accomplish these two simple goals, it is a start. 
For all the other things, I'll get there. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Field Trip!

Today, my seventh graders went on a field trip to an alligator sanctuary. We met gators named Big Daddy, TikTok, Godzilla, Tom, and Spot, among many others. The kids learned all kinds of interesting facts about what a sanctuary does and how the animals survive in a climate so different from their own. 
There were young gators and old. The sanctuary was divided into different "schools" based on their age groups. We visited the preschool and kindergarten classes of gators and the middle school and high schoolers. It was a great day overall. The weather was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold. The kids were awesome, and we all ended up at a local park for lunch afterward for food and fun. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Good Plants

 I got home early today. Theatre is over for the year, which means I get home before six, and today was glorious because we made it home before 4:00. My momentum from the day was still going, and I made sure not to waste it. I swept floors and shook blankets. I tidied bathrooms and vacuumed rugs. Just some little things to make the house feel a bit more zen. 

I had big plans for dinner too. My favorite plants are all plated up. I can smell all the smells from my oven as the sweet potatoes, cauliflower, and broccoli roast. There is quinoa on the stove with a bit of salt and olive oil, along with white rice steaming away in the rice cooker. I even used my rinsing water, from the rice, to give my kitchen plants for a big soak. 

It feels good to be productive and not come home beyond the hope of attending to anything but a meal. I'm hoping I can get home early a few nights a week before school is out so I can enjoy some of my evening time with good food and a tidied house. 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Still At School

It's 5:15, and I'm still sitting in my classroom. The evening didn't go quite as planned, so I'm catching up on work at school. I decided to take a break to slice. 

I like to keep a pretty tidy workspace, but I've got a bit of clutter. Among the library book late slips, multiple pens, Sharpies, and coffee cup there is a set of cards called "Book Club Table Topics." They are these really cool prompts for book clubs, and they all come in a nice acrylic box. Each card has a different question to get a conversation going. 

I sort of feel like if I was to create a "favorite things of 2023" list, these cards would most certainly make the cut. They work really well for book clubs, but also side-by-side conversations with partners about independent books too. 
As I'm sitting here, with thirty more minutes to wait, I'm flipping through to find some good ones for tomorrow. 
What's your favorite current classroom supply or resource?

Friday, March 31, 2023

31 Lines: 31 of 31
































Thursday, March 30, 2023

30 Lines: 30 of 31

8:40 a.m., shoes on.

Out the door

the cold air hits hard.

Sun in my eyes

and frost on the windshield.

The glare is just bearable.

Fifteen minutes later 

I'm pulling on the wrong door. 

Trying the other one, 

chimes ring 

and I step inside. 

It feels fresh.

Succulents and snake plants 

accompany the lamps 

with natural fabrics

and plush seats for my wait. 

I can hear a conversation.

But can't piece it together. 

Sounds like "work talk"

A few minutes pass 

The owner walks out. 

"Let's get you two checked in!"

The woman next to me gives her thanks.

I smile.

Within minutes I'm in the chair

My hair is being sectioned

and clipped.

It doesn't take long 

and my shoulders drop.

Relaxation mode, on.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

29 Lines: 29 of 31

A crack of light

peeks through the door frame.

I wonder,

What time is it?

5:00 am, ugh.

Then I hear a muffled noise.

Sitting up, I listen harder.

As if thinking about the silence

makes it louder.

Silence has no volume control.

I hear the noise again.

Did someone say...mom?

Much like spidey-sense, my mom-dar is up.

I hear it again. 

That's it. I'm up. 

Quietly I step toward the kids' rooms.

I listen right, then left.

Arie, are you calling out?

You could hear me? 

I just don't feel good.

Arie sighs into a gurgly moan.

Does something hurt?

My head aches.

My throat is dry.

My nose burns.

Hmmm, thermometer time.

100.2 not a true fever

but true enough 

to change our plans.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

28 Lines: 28 of 31

7:00 am
Even at sixteen
Birthdays are exciting 
Bed head hair
Don’t care

Oooo and aaah! 
The day begins. 
Hair appointment-check!
Visiting our favorite market-check!
Dessert for later-check!
Let the shopping begin! 

Zoom with family. 
More gift opening 
Dog barks and giggles 
My mom tells the birthing story
And we all reminisce. 

Favorite dinner delights
Candles lit
More singing
More barking
More giggles 
Dessert time!

You made it. 

You’re sixteen!

The best

Is yet to come! 

27 Missed: 27 of 31

Yesterday was busy. My fifteen-year-old was a day from being sixteen and big plans were made. I heard more than a dozen times, “This is the best day ever.” 

Yesterday was busy. My seventeen year old was starting his first official day on the grill at McDonald’s. He was excited and nervous. It went so well. He came home feeling great. He said, “Once I got there I was never anxious. Everything went fine the whole time.” 

Yesterday was busy. For the first time, I missed a day writing in March. It was 12:05 when I realized it and it was okay. I was bummed, but nothing bad happened and I’m writing day 27 now. Before going to bed, I thought, I’ll get to that later. 

Yesterday was busy. A good kind of busy. If I was going to miss a day after this many years, I’m thankful it was because I was happy and celebrating. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

26 Lines: 26 of 31

I'm thinking 

about cleaning.

Make a list?

Just start?

Sitting here, looking around.

I see an art project in progress,

Laundry half sorted,

An animal cage in need of attention,

Clutter on my desk,

and dust under the tv.

Empty drink containers wait,

and games go unplayed.

This room is a catch-all.

A family room of sorts

Where we all seem to find ourselves

and leave traces behind.

It will wait

I'll start tomorrow

After coffee, 

maybe a bite

I'll make a plan

go one by one

delegate here

do it myself, there

eventually, lighting a candle

and enjoying the order. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

25 MPH: 25 of 31

Today was a 25-mile-per-hour kind of day. 

Not too fast and not too slow. 

A few errands close to home. 

Rain and snow, wind and sleet.

A day to spend indoors. 

I got up early.

Made a big lunch.

Then napped nearly all afternoon.

Movie with the family, 

Take-out for dinner,

A 25-mile-per-hour day.

Slow, steady, and just right. 

We got rain, snow, and wind today. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

24 Comments: 24 of 31

This past week has been busy and stressful. I've been doing the bare minimum regarding the challenge and told myself that my idea for 24 would be to comment on 24 posts today. It is my first day of spring break, and I am ready. I also knew I would have the time and mental space to read more today.  

As I traveled through posts today, I read about spring break plans, signs of spring, and color invitations. Teachers shared fun classroom moments or connections they had with students and colleagues. I was finding myself making lists of things I wanted to do during my spring break, like reading, visiting the bookstore, and taking lots of walks. I also want to do some more poem slices now that we are in the twenties of the challenge. I noticed several poems today as I read. 

Now that I met my goal of 24 comments, I might surpass it. Why not! 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

23 and day 1: 23 of 31

March 23, 2023, will always be the first day of my son’s first job. 
We spent time this afternoon going through all his paperwork. 

He was both excited and nervous. He’s starting out at a local burger joint. You might have one in your town. It’s called McDonald’s. Heard of it? 
When I was 18, I got my first job at my local McDonald’s. It was a good first job. You learn many skills in a position where serving the public is the goal. 
New endeavors for this kid! He got home around 7pm and said orientation was fun! Primarily videos and policies, but he was still excited to start training. 
What was your first job? 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

22 Years: 22 of 31

Today I finished conferences for my 22nd year of teaching. I will have other parent meetings before the end of the year, but spring conferences are a wrap. 

Conferences have gotten so much easier to manage over the years. In particular, being a middle school teacher, conferences are entirely different experiences. Elementary conferences are lengthy, involved, and in-depth. Middle school conferences are content-specific, to the point, and short. 

Granted, I have many more students to sift through, but focusing solely on ELA is so helpful at this point in my career. I love the age group and am so glad I've made grade-level changes and learned from each one. Twenty-two years of teaching are almost in the books, and it's been an excellent year for me as a teacher. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

21 words: 21 of 31





















Monday, March 20, 2023

20 Legs: 20 of 31

The Hubbard house has 20 legs worth of pets, and we love it. 

During the pandemic, we needed joy, like many families. We got a dog. Getting a dog when you cannot socialize or properly train may not be a great decision. However, we all made it through, and Cassie, in many ways, saved us. 

Look at that face. I love her so very much.

My youngest has wanted rats, well, for a while. We babysat some school rats over winter break and decided they might be one of the best pets around. So, now we have four of our own rats to shower with love. If anyone would have told me that I would be loving on rats every night, feeding them chickpeas, salad, and dehydrated vegetables with grains, I would have told you right to your face, "NEVER!" Yet here I am, just having finished giving four baby boys their dinner and cuddling each one. 
Left-Cinnamon (he's my rat)
Center-Blue (that's Shawn's rat)
Right-Gurgle (Arie's rat, the youngest Hubbard)

This is Hawking, my son's rat. He is named after Stephen Hawking. 

I don't think I fully grasp the importance of pets for my family. It is a way to give love in a way that requires nothing in return. I have no expectations. I know these pets will never do as much for me as I do for them, and I couldn't be happier about it. They just provide entertainment, laughter, and a little love once in a while. You know, when they feel like it. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

19-A Bust: 19 of 31

I had plans for number 19 today. I was going to find 19 signs of spring while on a nice walk. I really thought I'd be able to, but It was a bit of a bust. 

Right before I started outside to begin documenting, I realized I had not gone for my annual outing in search of snowdrops. I write about the snowdrops every March. Small white flowers peek out of the ground each early spring. They grow in bunches and sprawl over an area. When they appear, snow has typically just melted or might even still be around. 

I took several pictures on my way to the snowdrops. Hoping I was still in time. See, we have had several thaws already and multiple sunny days too. I wondered if the window of snowdrops had passed. 

It did. 

I took a picture of one that I saw. There were only a few still hanging on in the cold. I was disappointed to not see them in full bloom, but it was still a fun little walk through some signs of spring. Here are six signs I saw today. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

18 Scrunchies: 18 of 31

Today has been a big cleaning day. We've been organizing my youngest bedroom. The desk emerged from piles of crafts, makeup, and hair accessories. I made a list and said, "when this is done, call me back in here." Some things need a mom, and some things don't. 

Arie called me back once several items were sorted and trash was trashed. It was time to decide what was next. I decided soapy water was needed and that the jewelry pile was a good next step while I washed the desktop. 

One more step down, the next one on the way. 

"Okay, things are looking good! Should we tackle makeup and hair next?"

Arie agreed and chose makeup since there was a whole lot more of that to deal with, and I probably would have trashed important items. 

I took on hair accessories and, while I did, took a trip down memory lane. 

When I was growing up in the eighties, hair scrunchies came in every color, texture, and size. You had the fuzzy ones in bright neon. There were patterned and bold styles. Then you had the basic blacks, browns, and neutrals. As I sorted items into containers, I realized Arie had eighteen scrunchies. Isn't it crazy how trends resurface?

Among the scrunchies were around six hair ties, some hair spray, a few brushes, and combs, as well as a flat iron and its plates. Again, blasts from the past. Arie has worn the crimped hair look a few times, but organizing these eighties-era hair accessories took me back. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

17 Lines: 17 of 31

 As a seventh grader 

I was inexperienced 

with the experience

of grief.

I watched you, 

my Maw Maw


You were brash, while lovingly kind.

Someone who skipped in parking lots

while smiling in the sunlight, 

your hand holding mine. 

The pastor said, 

in life, you were "full of piss and vinegar."

And even at the age of twelve

I knew this was meant to be a compliment. 

It was 33 years ago today

we said our goodbyes. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Room 16: 16 of 31


I don't remember the year I made the change. At some point in my teaching career, the name of my class took on the room number. When I taught elementary school, we would chant, "Who are we? Room 63!" I made the change to give our space a more unified feel. I'd always called my class by my name. 
"Mrs. Hubbard's class, line up."
"Mrs. Hubbard's class, let's go."
"Mrs. Hubbard's class, go to lunch."
Changing it to Room 63 made the ownership more equalized. It was "our" room, not just my room or my class. 
When I made the move to middle school, I wanted to keep that feeling of unity within my space. Proudly displayed on one of my bookshelves is our room number. 
Room 16. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Googling 15: 15 of 31

When Taylor Swift was in her early years of discovery and stardom, I remember seeing her perform on a stage for one of the big music awards shows. I didn't think a lot of it. She was a young talented singer. 

As my kids have grown older, their music tastes have evolved in many directions. Arie, our youngest (soon to be 16), started listening to Taylor last year. I'd say Arie is definitely a *Swifty at this point. Among other music choices, Arie loves to blast and belt along with songs while in the shower. It's always a treat, as long as you don't plan on listening to anything else. 

Taylor Swift's music has changed so much over the years, and you might be wondering, how does this relate to the number fifteen? Well, a few things happened today, both good and bad. 

School today has some high highs and some low lows. It was a stressful one. I was glad to end the day and get home for a bit. 

On one of my three trips back and forth to school today, I saw not one but two robins! I was elated-my son was a witness to my enthusiasm. 

None of the day's events led to fifteen in any way thought. So, I thought, what happens if I Google "Fifteen?" Well, I'll tell you. You get inundated with Taylor Swift images, songs, videos, articles, and all things Swift! 

Thanks for writing a song titled "Fifteen," Taylor.

*A Swifty is a Taylor Swift fan. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

14 Shows Up: 14 of 31

My son had a busy evening tonight. In all his running around, I kept thinking of a date around the corner. A date I heard him repeat three times today when we went to a doctor's appointment. 

"Date of birth?"
"May 14"
"Date of birth?"
"May 14"
"Date of birth?"
"May 14"

I tried to push him to lead the way at his appointment today. He did a great job, looking at me frequently but advocating for himself as I hoped. 
I was proud to watch him navigate a busy day. A job interview that went as well as it could! He got the job and starts Monday. Later tonight, he was heading to help with the elementary school play production to run mics and sound. The last activity of the night was setting up his telescope to image the night sky. He enjoys astrophotography and aims to enter an art competition in April. He'll be outside late tonight, and we'll let him. He's growing up and figuring life out. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

13 Sips: 13 of 31






Wait, hold still, listen.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

12 Times: 12 of 31

I have sat down at my computer for twelve years in a row to write a post for the March SOLSC. It's sometimes been a different computer. It hasn't always been the same place. Looking back, it hasn't always been the same blog space. Several things remain the same. The accomplishment I feel after writing even a simple slice-of-life post feels good. Taking the time to stop, think, put words down, post, and read makes my brain feel full. Slicing has helped me process difficult times, reminisce, and notice the simplest of things. 

Spring is my favorite season, and I love that the first day of spring falls in the month of slicing. Each day is an invitation to learn, write, and reflect. While the season changes outside my window, I change for the better. Birds sing, and buds burst, all things I look forward to. Fresh changes and fresh air are everywhere in March. I hope you find the same fresh and reflective versions of yourself as you write each day. 

Here's to twelve times strong and going!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Apartment B-11: 11 of 31

I got married very young. After one year in college, summer came, and I was on my honeymoon. My husband, Shawn, and I began planning to move into our new married housing apartment on campus in the fall of 1996. I remember being so excited to have a place all our own. We loaded our car, and my mother-in-law came down to help us move in and settle. 

When we first walked into the apartment, I didn't know what I was expecting, but I got completely overwhelmed and bawled my eyes out. The space was so small, and it all finally hit me. This is where we'd be living. 

It all worked out, and that little apartment with no storage and barely any walking space became home. We lived in the apartment for four years. I remember feeling like it was boot camp for our relationship. If we could survive year-round school in a tiny apartment together for four years, we could likely get through anything. That has proved to be true. 

On our 20th anniversary in 2016, we returned to take our picture in front of the door. We heard they would soon tear down the old buildings, and we wanted to take one last look. I'm glad we did. One last memory at good old B-11. 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Ten Ingredients: 10 of 31

It was a SNOW DAY today. Always a wonderful surprise, even if I was expecting it. It allowed me to catch up on some work I had, and I started meal planning for next week. I make a couple of soups on the weekend and usually some salads too. These act as sides during the week or lunches for me. 
I was looking for inspiration and came across a video of meal prep ideas for plant-based eating. It had three meal ideas with only ten ingredients. 
  1. lemons
  2. kale
  3. basil
  4. nutritional yeast
  5. garbanzo beans
  6. cashews
  7. garlic
  8. pasta
  9. sweet potatoes
  10. wraps or tortillas
I have some of these ingredients on hand already. Sunday will be my prep day, cleaning the kale, baking the sweet potatoes, making cashew cream, cashew "parmesan," and basil kale pesto. The three meals are stuffed sweet potatoes, a pasta salad, and sandwich wraps. I cannot wait to try these new recipes. 

If you are curious and would like to see the video, here's the link

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Not Nine: 9 of 31

I knew I'd hit a wall at some point. A day would come when I would not see the number (ninth day of March) showing up in my regular sightings, wonderings, or thoughts. So far, this number focus for my slices has worked great. Each day I've easily found a way the quantity was represented by something small in my day. Today, however, I've been stuck. Searching. I thought of a few ideas.

I could go outside and throw the frisbee to my dog nine times before the snow starts. The temps are good now, and I should get her running around before the wintery mix takes hold. Then I got lost in the moment, threw the frisbee a lot, kicked a ball, ran circles, and forgot all about the number nine. 

Then I thought, I might have nine everyday items sitting around somewhere. Like a pile of change, my to-be-read pile, empty water bottles on the counter, or the kid-created paper flowers I have in the vase on our piano. But, nope. None of them totaled nine. 

Today's number nine is not present, but lots of other things are! Funny how something not showing up helped me see a few things that were. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Eight Legs: 8 of 31

Over the winter break, we offered to "rat sit" three little girl rats from my husband's school. We thought this would be a really great way to appease our youngest, who has been wanting rats as pets. It definitely worked, our whole family was thrilled to have them, and even my niece came to visit the rats. 
What happened next surprised us all. We started thinking of getting our own. We suddenly all wanted pet rats, and lucky us, in early January, we'd be able to go pick out our own. 
Meet Cinnamon (brown and cream) and Hawking (black-brown). These two sweet boys run, play, and get into mischief. 

I would have called you a liar if you told me I'd be spending every evening with two silly rats and loving it. I would have never guessed I could love two little rodents as much as I love these boys. 

Even better (unless I've completely turned your stomach at this point), we are getting two more boys this weekend. Rats love friends, and we love making crazy box forts and mazes for them to play in. If all goes as planned, maybe on day sixteen, I'll be able to share sixteen legs! We shall see. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Seven Toppings: 7 of 31

It's Taco Tuesday! Who wants toppings and condiments? I know I do! 

I love a good taco. I make a variety of meat fillings for my family each week. But, for myself, I usually stick with a lentil-mushroom mixture seasoned with spices. The real stars of the show on a taco night are the toppings. I never dare disappoint.

We have saucier toppings like salsa and taco sauce. Then the creamy and cheesy toppings (non-dairy
for me). Last, I love a crunchy veggie topping. Diced tomato is a stand-alone. Then I mixed iceberg, cilantro, and white onion. 

Sometimes I'll do shaved cabbage, carrot, and onion for something different. It gives a yummy freshness to the other ingredients. 

Who else is eating tacos tonight?

Monday, March 6, 2023

Six Chickens: 6 of 31

I love my drive to and from work. Most of the time, anyway. When the roads are snow-covered or terribly slick, it's another story. However, the other day I was driving home, and along the side of the road, six different chickens were nibbling away at the grassy edge. Since I was driving, I couldn't snap a picture, but they were so pretty. Some of them were all black, some red with lighter tones, and one or two were a light beige or golden. 

After driving by, I wondered if they were finding little bugs or worms. We had just thawed out from a nasty ice storm, and everything was soft, muddy, and melty. I hope I see them again in the next few weeks. With slightly warmer temps, they might find some tasty treats as long as they stay off the road!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Five Day Forecast: 5 of 31

As I sit down mid-morning, I'm getting ready to plan for the work week. Five days ahead and thinking of my to-do list and all the things that may interrupt the plans. 

I start with the forecast. I'm seeing mild temps for all five days, so we won't encounter any snow days. We might even get some extra sunshine! Yay for Vitamin D! 

Seriously, the break into sunshine after months of gray is uplifting for this Michigan girl. Every Michigander has low Vitamin D by default just because we live here. And even though I know this and am always deficient, it is a supplement I struggle to take consistently. So when I see partly sunny days are ahead, with temps in the 40-degree range, I welcome it!

Here's to planning a whole week of school and getting extra warmth on my skin!