Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sneak Attack Follow-Up

Finally an update on our finished products!
This was one of our first published pieces. I rarely have students re-copy a piece when publishing, but it was so early in the year it seemed okay. I do look forward to the day, oh let's say in mid-March, when they are writing buckets of words and their stories are full.
But, I will take their random letters and amazing watercolor illustrations that they are producing right now. It is a nice peek into what will be!
Here are some photos of the process.


A happy pile of drying artwork.

I took those watercolors and their writing. I typed their stories and mounted all of it onto some black paper. We talked about what a sneak attack of kindness does for someone else and for ourselves. 
It makes our hearts happy. 
Each student wrote their name on a heart to display with their work. 
A portion of the display...oh so happy am I!


  1. The stories & art look beautiful, Betsy. I hope you're showing them this poet. they will love being published.

  2. I love these! The pictures turned out as beautiful as the idea of sneak attacks of kindness. I think your students are very lucky to have you.


Thanks for the comment love!