Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Just Enough

Sitting here at my desk a bit of evening sunshine is reaching through the blinds and warming up the air around me. I look around this classroom and it feels so "lived" in now. I've been in this section of the building for four years. It's been a very different space from my kindergarten and first grade teacher days.

I remember when I first began "moving" in I didn't have time to really explore everything that was here, left, or necessary. I was also struggling to part with things I had held onto for many years. What if I was moved back to kindergarten? What if I didn't like third grade? Questions swirled and uncertainty lingered for a while. It's less now and I have less "things" to part with as they've already made there way somewhere by now.

Eight and nine-year olds seem to have a special place in my heart these days. I would describe them as just the right amount of curiosity, wonder, and spark with a touch of silliness and unpredictability. They keep me on my toes but I don't mind because they pay me back with hugs and just enough paintings, drawings, and notes to make it all worthwhile.


  1. Isn't it nice when you find your teaching sweet spot? Mine is Kindergarten, but I know how good that feels.

  2. I know this feeling oh, so well. What a great feeling to end the day with! Looking around and feeling like home.


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