Monday, March 25, 2019

Starting Over

I have started this slice multiple times. 

I was going to write about the snowdrops in the backyard. Then I started writing a poem about the patterns of life. From there I remembered the deer I saw the other day right outside the window, and we both startled each other. That seemed like a good idea, but I changed my mind again. The deer in the window made me think about the big crack in the back patio and how it's still stained in a dark gray with remnants of where the "legs" of the old aluminum overhang used to be. My train of thought lingered on that for a moment. I started to have a whole lot of thoughts. 

I decided to go read a large portion of my slices from 2017. That was the year we were in our rental house, we were safe and sound, OUR house was no longer our house, but it would be again someday. I wrote about all the things I missed, all the things I was surrounded by, I wrote, and it healed me in a lot of ways. 

I remember after the first couple of days writing with the "Not my..." theme back then I started to worry I wouldn't be able to keep it up. I wondered if I could work within a confined idea as opposed to open season on whatever I wanted. Turns out I could do it. It also turns out I have a month of memories from a very challenging time in my life that I will never want to forget. 

Just like this slice was started over and over moving into this newly built home over a year after our fire was like starting over. It was a fresh start and even though we've lived here for over a year now, it still feels fresh all the time. Eerily similar and yet so different. 

1 comment:

  1. This slice! So good. I love how you came tied everything together in the end. (And I am so glad for you that the year of moving and dealing with the house is behind you).


Thanks for the comment love!