Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Escalators and Sunshine

Today in remote kindergarten, we read books packed with lots of sight words and a couple of new concept words--up, down. When I asked students what goes up and down, here is what I heard: rollercoasters, bumpy wagons, water splashing, and hills. 

I asked individual students, "Do you know what an escalator is?" A few did. Some had memories of them; others had not experienced an escalator. As I asked about the next big word in our book, elevators, surprisingly, some students had never been on one before. I told them someday, they would likely get to ride an elevator and experience the power of pushing the buttons—every kid's dream. 

As I wrapped up my small groups and individual meets today of guided reading and strategy lessons, I decided I had to get myself outside. I once again joined the kindergarteners at recess to play and run around a little bit. The sun was absolutely brilliant, and I was reminded of something else goes up and down--or at least it seems like it. *The sun! 

I'm looking forward to the sun going down tonight and my head hitting the pillow. 

*Fact: The sun never actually goes up or down. It is the earth's rotation around the sun that gives us the illusion of the sun's movement. We use words like sunrise and sunset to describe these transitions within the day. For my fellow fact-checkers out there, you will appreciate this. 


  1. These little ones who have not had adventure in 1/5 of their lives due to the pandemic do not know about or have forgotten so many things; elevators and escalators, wow.

  2. I would guess most of my students have never ridden on an escalator, but most probably have ridden in an elevator. I live in a small city and there isn't an escalator here, so they would not have had the opportunity unless they leave town. What a concept! :)

  3. Hi Betsy, I love how you go outside with your Kindergarteners. So important to get fresh air and also a break! I also really appreciated the author's craft move of the fact at the end.

  4. Oh yes, up and down is such a fun topic to discuss, not always so easy by remote I would imagine but definitely what most kids get. None of my students have ever seen and escalator or an elevator!

  5. I keep picturing that scene from Elf when Will Farrell doesn't know how to get on the escalator in the department store. It so perfectly (and hilariously) captures the feeling of being in the dark about an experience that is seemingly second nature to those around us.


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