Saturday, March 6, 2021

Walking Along

It was a sweet 48 degrees here today, and the sun was shining bright. So bright, actually. I have yet to find my sunglasses in the past several weeks. I've needed them more than once. 
I ended up spending my time outside with this sweetheart on a walk anyway. Sunglasses or not, I was getting fresh air today. 
We walked down our street to the elementary school at the end of the road. They put in a new track/pick-up lane behind the school, making a perfect spot to pick up my pace to a slight jog. 
I haven't run in years now. I remember how invigorating it was to run. Winter running was my favorite. It's one thing that has gotten away from me, but I know someday I'll get back to it. Today was just a little sampling. My real hope is to turn my sweet Cassie girl here into my running partner. She's still a bit unpredictable at times on the leash, but one day, maybe she'll be ready to take on the part. 


  1. Betsy, we all need a chance to rekindle our passions. 48 degrees sees balmy to me. Fresh air is so important to our well-being. Being cooped up with the COVID fear is alarming. Being outside even when it is so cold gives us a chance to breathe in life. I hope Cassie girl can become your running partner.

  2. Ah, winter running! It really is the best with the cold, crisp air burning deep into your lungs. Even better is winter running on a sunny day AND with a partner. I wonder if you'll rediscover running at the same time as Cassie discovers it for the first time. Your post made me think of my sweet Bella, who use to be my running partner, but now is too old to keep up. Now she is my walking partner and today the sun was shining so bright here in Wisconsin that I didn't want our walk to end. Happy running!

  3. Love the pic of your future running partner and her hot pink leash. I squeezed in a walk today too. Our temps were in the 50s. Getting outside is important to my mental health.


Thanks for the comment love!