Monday, March 8, 2021

Will You Be My Friend?

LEAVES--You will be my friend!

CARS--You will be my friend!

ROCKS--You will be my friend!

Similar to the Peter Brown book, with the same title, this is what I imagine Cassie, my dog saying when we are on a walk. Shawn and I took her down the road and back again today. We are still trying to get her back on track with leash training after all the cold weather. Today a couple of cars went by and she still just lunges right at them. It's like she's begging for interaction. 

As the walk continued, we noticed what appeared to be the shadow of a dog up ahead. Shawn tried to block Cassie's view. The neighbor's dog, a VERY stocky bulldog, was quietly watching from afar. I think it began to feel like it was a good idea to come closer. Watching out of the corner of our eyes, Shawn and I quickened our pace, trying to get past before Cassie noticed the canine. It was futile, Cassie saw the potential friend and we tried to get her to disengage. Unsure of how either dog would respond, we held our breath as the sniffing ensued. It was okay for about ten seconds and then Cassie took it too far. The bulldog quickly backed away. Cassie was interested in play, the bulldog was not, it was okay, thankfully. 

We continued on, thankful we all walked away unscathed. The funny thing was the bulldog started running toward us again after we got a good distance away. I say running with hesitation, that dog was so boxy with those little tiny legs under itself it was more of a shuffle. I chuckled to myself a bit imagining it saying, "Come back! You will be my friend!" 

Cassie had moved on since getting to the driveway, she now had treats on the mind. Friendship would have to wait.


  1. I love the lead and how you slowly explained step by step. I have a little dog who is constantly approached energetically by big dogs off leash. She does NOT want to be their friend. Great POV piece

  2. I agree with Clare - the lead really got my attention. I have a one year old pup, and training her to walk has been months and months of work. I so feel your pain. She wants to be friends with everyone. She even lies flat on the road with her head down so they know she is no threat. She is immoveable until they meet her. If they don't meet her, she gets offended and barks. Life with dogs.... Your piece made me smile.

  3. I love how your lead puts us inside the mind of your dog! So sweet! I'm partial to dog-stories and this one made me smile : )


Thanks for the comment love!