Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Sweet Treats: SOLSC 30 of 31

Tonight's dinner was a choose your own adventure. There were a few leftover options and pantry items for anyone to make their dinner dreams come true. I opted for some ramen with fresh spinach. I wanted something warm and soupy. It fit the bill. 

Then I found myself craving something sweet. Growing up, we rarely had sweet treats. My snacking as a kid was primarily chips with salsa and veggies. I liked sweet things; we just didn't have them in the house. 

As an adult and a mom, this is mostly still true. We usually have some sweet snacks for school lunches and an occasional bag of licorice hanging out in the pantry. We also almost always have fresh fruit, probably the most consistent sweet treat. 

I did that thing where you stand, staring at the fridge, waiting for things to change. Contemplating--I wanted something with chocolate, but I also wanted fruit. 

With that, I grabbed my vanilla almond yogurt, blackberries, strawberries, and some chocolate chips. That little cup of delightfulness was better than expected and better than the handful of licorice I did consider eating instead. 


  1. I love a little something sweet after dinner. Nothing big, just a piece of candy or ???? But like you, I don't usually keep much of that kind of stuff around. Reading your post makes me wonder what I might find if I checked right now. Hmmm....

  2. I love the Chose Your Own Adventure dinner! So funny. I will need to offer that option to my family- I am so often out of ideas!

  3. Fancy name for leftover I'll share with my daughter in law since my grandson refuses to eat leftover. :) A sweet treat is a daily must!

  4. That little cup of delightfulness sounds absolutely spot on!


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