Wednesday, March 10, 2021


I had a moment today. It was too much at once, and I couldn't hold back my tears. I am all for a good cry, but I prefer to determine when and where. I rarely have actual control over this when I find myself overwhelmed like I am right now. 
I was talking to someone, and they said the right thing at the right time, and I found myself venting and crying. This isn't someone who has seen me cry before. This isn't someone that knows me that well. It was okay, but again, not what I would have planned. 
When our conversation was over, I thanked her. I needed that and didn't even know it. I didn't really feel better, but in a way, I did. The day did not get better, but as it unfolded, I found I was a bit grateful that I had let that out, so new challenges weren't just also building up on top of everything else. 
I really wish life was a bit less dramatic sometimes, but I've lived through enough drama to know that isn't always possible. I'm looking forward to reading some slices tonight and looking for some first-year slicers. That's my goal this evening. To feel like being part of this is some fuel that will get me through the difficulties that come along each day. Knowing I am part of something that inspires others to push themselves in this challenge is awesome, so I'm going to focus on that and finish my night relaxed and ready for tomorrow. 

*I took my walk with Cassie as soon as I got home. She was a little less crazy tonight. Leash training continues. 


  1. Those moments are a blessing. We all need an ear to hear us and a shoulder to lean on.

  2. I'm glad you were able to bubble-over with someone and let out your frustration. May you have a relaxing evening and read some awesome slies.

  3. I'm totally with you about keeping my tears to myself. There are not many people who get to see the mess happen. Sending a hug to you Betsy. There's a full plate of stress to be had, for sure, and sometimes there's just not room for another helping of it.

  4. I love the idea of how crying does not make you totally feel better but it does tear the pile down a little so that it is not quite so high and not quite so heavy as more stuff gets to pile on. Thanks for this.


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