Thursday, March 11, 2021

What Day Was That?


"Hi, I'm here to get Jane."

A moment later, the school counselor emerged with the sign-out sheet and we made our way to the car. 

"UGH, I don't want to go to the dentist."

My arms embraced the slumped shoulders to encourage and remind, "It's going to be fine."

We pulled around to the high school. Elliot walked out; the office had him watching for me. We did a quick switch, and he took over the wheel. 

After a few bits of small talk, I noticed I had a missed call and voicemail. I went to see the transcript and accidentally played it on the speaker. 

"Hi Betsy, this is....from....dentistry...just calling to remind you of Elliot and Jane's appointment tomorrow."



No, no, no. That can't be right. 

I go to my calendar. Yep, March 12. 

I go to the text verification I confirmed just two days ago. Yep, March 12. 

Yet, I took the afternoon off today, March 11. 

I was planning not to forget appointments on Thursday--I kept mentally reminding myself. 

Let's just say at this point, the kids were both thrilled, and I was less than thrilled. Next came the scramble to adjust my schedule to make it possible to leave early tomorrow. Hopefully, the secretaries don't think I'm crazy when I say the kids are leaving for a dentist appointment for the second day in a row. 

At this point, I just have to laugh and say, yep, this fits the week. 


  1. Oh no!!! This sounds like something I would do!!!! Happy dentist-ing tomorrow!!!

  2. I call this CoronaBrain. I really believe it's a thing. I'm just glad your surprise was the wrong date for a dentist appointment.

  3. Oh my goodness, this is hilarious! On the plus side, a little extra time off is always good. But organizing it, probably not so much. You're not alone.

  4. Oh boy! One of those days for sure- I feel like this whole week I had a hard time keeping track of what day it was too! Short school weeks do that to me. Well on the bright side, you got some extra time with the kiddos :)


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