My Other Blogs:

Other Corners to Find Me:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Planning and preparation have taken over my life. I am in the last days before I leave for NCTE, and I am so excited. I am also anxious about all the moving parts of leaving, even though I know it will all be okay. I can steady myself, but I can't help my natural tendency to become anxious about significant changes to my routine.
I have made all the lists, and I am still certain I will forget something. I do not have all my outfits picked out, which probably means I'm going to over-pack. I don't have all the bits and pieces of my roles within our home handled, listed, and organized. Again, I realize life is going to go on even if I never get to this step.
I also can't wait to just get there already. It's one of those things I've been anticipating, and I just want to be surrounded by my people, eat meals together, and get locked into conversations that grow me in all the good ways.
So, here's to overwhelming my brain, getting a headache from smiling, and wearing myself out. I can't wait.


  1. Have the best time! I will follow you on Twitter. I hope it is an enriching experience- it surely will be! Good luck with your presentations!

  2. Now I feel behind .... I will borrow clothes from you if I forget! I can't make the slicers dinner - hoping to connect with you!!

    1. I'm trying so hard to be ahead and I'm just NOT! I will most definitely have clothes you can borrow. :)

  3. You are I are so on the same page! So excited, but so anxious about the change in my routine. See you there!

  4. I cannot wait. Been packed for 2 days. (It was that squishing in a couple books to get them signed.) Tasks yet to be completed are all technology dependent.

    See you soon!

  5. I can hear the anxiety and anticipation in this post! I'm a planner, too, so I get the worries. But you are right--everything can still function in your absence. Enjoy your conference!


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