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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

One Word

So, today is one of those days where I'm just going to type words and see what happens. I am so tired, sinus headached, and spaced out. It seems like every day comes with a bit of stress but today was particularly overwhelming. I am beginning to sense a pattern that maybe Tuesday's are not great days for me. I feel like my slices have been a bit on the down side. So, to deal with my stress I will write a little passage that expresses the way I feel right at this moment.

You took my words and threw them into the air, out of context, out of order. They fell into piles. Words that didn't belong to one another now lay next to each other. Standing over them like a giant I take my enormous hands and try to piece them back together but I fumble with the tiny strips of paper. Winds begin to blow and the little bits begin to scatter in even different directions. I try to step on them but they get stuck under my toes and flap around, eventually tearing leaving some without letters. I grab at the scraps as they fly like confetti into the clouds. I listen to the skitter of dead leaves on the blacktop and watch the remaining words swirl in a furry like a storm. I look to the leafless tree that hovers over them, wondering, waiting for new words to bud as my hair blows over my eyes. I squint through the wind noticing one speck of white flattened on the trunk. I step slowly forward, pushing the hair out of my eyes as the gray wind threatens to take the white speck. Reaching out I peal the tiny strip of white paper from the trunk. It has three letters on it, Y, O, U. You. I hold the word to my heart as my hair lays flat against my back and I stand in the silent shadow of the tree limbs. You, it's all you need.


  1. You are enough! Wish I could just type words and have them come out like yours. I love the description of the words being out of order and letters scattering in different directions. It reminded me of a book I love to share with students for Valentine's Day - Dear Bunny (if you're not familiar with it, check it out). Feel better soon, Betsy, hoping to see you at NCTE!

  2. I can imagine this as a picture book. If this is what you write when you are worn out, you need to be in a constant state of exhaustion. Great description!

  3. Ah, yes, I could picture it well...and have experienced that, too! Time to take YOU a hot cup of coffee, tea or cider and curl up with your word. Hope you feel better soon and the words become orderly again (though these seemed quite in order today!).

  4. You deserve a break. Sending warm healing thoughts your way. Looking forward to chalking tomorrow with my students. They love chalkabration!


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