My Other Blogs:

Other Corners to Find Me:

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Curiosity is a Dog in Spring

Through the glass door

I see you roaming.

Nose up.

Then down.

I can see the ripple of smell

as you follow it like a trail.

You pause 

like you're considering,

here or there?

I wonder, what is it?

I root for those who may be scurrying

under your paws.

Do they sense you?

Your head darts around.

Changing course?

Then, all at once, the digging begins.

You maneuver 

the freshly thawed earth

expertly into a mound.

Only to be befuddled again.

Where did it go?

Your freshly dirt crusted paws

bring you to the back step.

With defeated eyes,

you await the paw washing. 

Pro pet owner tip:

We got this little paw washer from a pet store last summer. The brilliant little design works great for washing paws, particularly spring doggie paws. It sits in its appropriate spring location, at the ready. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this visual! But am done with spring continuing to 'dig and sniff around'. I would like it to be here. Officially.


Thanks for the comment love!