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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Library Giggles

You wouldn't have caught me teaching summer school a year or more ago. After a challenging year, I was surprised I signed up. To my surprise, summer school has been wonderful. Today, we took a walking field trip to the college library in town. The library was empty, and although we had a small group, we quickly lost control during our exploration. A reminder that a library is the best place to play hide-and-seek, whether you plan to or not. Shrieks and giggles echoed. We couldn't help but laugh. After three floors of peek-a-boos, loud directive whispers, and blocked elevators, we all made it down to play math games and roll some story dice. 

The difference between regular school and summer school, at least in my situation, is the freedom. We are focusing on skills, we have a small group, and it's a half day. There's no set curriculum, no timelines, unlimited popsicles, and the kids can take a break whenever it's needed. Needs can be met, we can laugh, and work at our own pace. Kind of a teacher's dream. 

1 comment:

  1. This makes me wonder why some of the principles of summer school aren't allowed to be woven into the regular school year...


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