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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

One More Day

I'm not sure what type of tired I am right now, but its symptoms are mixed. I've been the kind of tired that is only realized when I finally sit and feel a sense of relief I didn't know I needed—the kind of tired where thirst and hunger are unrecognized. I have one half day left with students and maybe a full day's worth of hours to finish this school year. It's been a year deserving of extra rest and care. It's been a year of learning and revelations. It's been a year. I'm ready to rest. 


  1. May this summer be joyful and restorative!

  2. Wishing you a summer filled with whatever you need to be your best self.

  3. A person who has not been a teacher can not imagine the teacher tiredness. It may take days to regain energy. I wish you rejuvenating summer break.


Thanks for the comment love!