Another late night for me. I wanted to finish as much of my college work for the week as possible. It was a success; only one paper is left for the week, and everything else is done, and it's only Monday! I had a couple of study buddies, my dogs, taking turns on my lap as I watched my lecture videos, took my quiz, worked on my discussion question, and responded to a handful of other participants. I went through all the motions while also picking up good bits of information here and there. It's certainly worth it, but I keep wishing I had more time to really let things sink into my brain.
But morning will be here soon enough; light will find its way to my dashboard midway through my drive, at least this week. Then daylight saving will thrust me back into darkness as I drive to work. But, yes, another but, this might mean I’ll find time to take a walk while it's still light out in the evening. It’s another thing I really need to make time for.