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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Productive Curriculum Day

Today, I was able to work with my 8th grade ELA colleuage and mentee on her curriculum. The curriculum hasn't been updated since 2017-2018, and it's hard to work on it when there isn't dedicated time. We took a day to sit uninterrupted and got so much more done than expected. 

The goal was to get down everything she's been doing or plans to do this year, the units she's using, and the materials linked. In our 6-8 ELA curriculum, we use many resources from CommonLit and do some multi-genre or novel units that incorporate written responses and essays when appropriate. We had nearly everything we needed to finish a good rough draft today. With some time for revisions and formatting next year, we should be able to go through in more detail to see what's missing and needed. It felt good to accomplish so much in such a small amount of time. 


  1. Yay for a productive day. I actually love doing curriculum work, but finding the time is difficult.

  2. Betsy, yes, that was good news to get so much done in a short amount of time. I think a lot of jobs are like that. Sometimes we think they will take longer than they do, which is great. I hope all that is still needed and missing comes together well and without snags.


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