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Saturday, March 8, 2025

So Much Synthesizing

I had planned on sleeping in this morning, but as luck would have it, I slept pretty good last night and woke up at my normal time. I decided to get up and get going. I had a lot of reading to do in preparation for a paper that is due Sunday night, and I knew if I didn't get started soon, my brain would be upset with me. 

I made myself a good breakfast and coffee, took my vitamins, and drank a good amount of water before sitting down with about eight articles I would need to sift through to determine if any would be good for my paper on designing an intervention plan. I enjoyed my time. My puppies were cuddly but not too clingy or walking all over me, which I appreciated. 

I found some more articles, did some printing, and decided to stop note-taking and break for a bit to do something else. It is always better for me to work for a solid amount of time and then walk away for a bit to let my mind step entirely away from my thoughts. It didn't work. I continued to think and started to head back to my computer. More searching, more printing, more underlining, etc., etc., etc., etc.

Eventually, I had to stop. My youngest needed some sunlight, so we decided on a quick bathing suit shopping trip and a stroll around the bookstore. This was a well-deserved break, and we each got a yummy drink while in the bookstore. 

On the return home, I started thinking some more. As soon as I changed into some comfy clothes, I was back to it. Synthesizing all the material, I had consumed with my current understanding of best practices for interventions. I'm not done, but I am stepping away again for the night. I've got a hefty introduction and review of my past observations, a page and a half of citations that I need to weave together, and ideas on concluding my design plan. That will be better thought out tomorrow because, for now, I'm in the mood for some light reading. 


  1. Yes, you definitely need some percolating time and some plain resting time. It's good to take those breaks. Your day sounds like it was productive, but you also managed to have some rest too. I hope the reading was fun.

  2. So much learning. Feels good to expand the knowledge and understanding. Sometimes some people forget the importance of pauses. You clearly know how the pauses support your learning.

  3. It was fun to hear how working on your assignment wove through your day. Good luck on your assignment!


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