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Monday, March 3, 2025

Productive Evening

Another late night for me. I wanted to finish as much of my college work for the week as possible. It was a success; only one paper is left for the week, and everything else is done, and it's only Monday! I had a couple of study buddies, my dogs, taking turns on my lap as I watched my lecture videos, took my quiz, worked on my discussion question, and responded to a handful of other participants. I went through all the motions while also picking up good bits of information here and there. It's certainly worth it, but I keep wishing I had more time to really let things sink into my brain. 

But morning will be here soon enough; light will find its way to my dashboard midway through my drive, at least this week. Then daylight saving will thrust me back into darkness as I drive to work. But, yes, another but, this might mean I’ll find time to take a walk while it's still light out in the evening. It’s another thing I really need to make time for. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Intentional Rest Needed

This has been...a day.

My stress has been through the roof, and I am anxiously awaiting the moment when I can just stop and do something mindless. 

I struggled through an assignment for my class that I thought was nearly done, but when I received some clarification, it sent me in a new direction. I was grateful for the information, as it allowed me to complete the assignment more accurately. However, I felt the time constraint. It reminded me of college when I stayed up all night finishing a paper. It's only 8:57 right now, but I was starting to feel terrified that I might not find the words and be up later than I wanted. 

These days, I like to settle down by 8:30 p.m. I have so much on my mind, and I need the time to just be still and calm. It helps me rest easier. I'm hoping to find some peace, even with it being later than I hoped, still having things to do, and just trying to get through this day of ups and downs. 

I'm going to go get those things done, make a cup of chamomile tea, post, and then comment. It will be a good way to end the night. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

A New Year!

The first of March has a New Year's feel to it. 
A new year for daily blogging. 
A new year for noticing. 
A new year for making friends.
A new year for reconnecting. 

Lately, I find myself enjoying this "new" feeling more frequently. My life has changed: kids are now grown, a marriage ending, taking classes, and seizing time when I can. It's a lot of transformation, yet today, when I woke up and realized what day it was, it felt both new and familiar at the same time. 
An old tradition, paired with that sense of renewal that excites me each year. 
This day in March. 
Welcome to the Slice of Life Story Challenge of 2025! 
I'm so happy to be here and that you are here too.