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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Sometimes it still shocks me what my students do and say at writing workshop. Today we had a schedule that deviated from the norm. There were fire trucks for fire safety, a tornado get the picture. Among all the chaos we had to fit in writing workshop. I knew I would have to cut it a little short, mind you we are up to sometimes more than an hour when all is said and done. When I say cut it short, there is still lots of time. Anyway, one of my little boys had been planning away, had been working on his story diligently and I had to give a "five minute sign" warning. It was just about time for lunch. His response was priceless. You would have thought he lost his dog. Shoulders slumped, sad eyes, a pout, and to top it off a moan...picture it AaaaAAaaAAah!
I looked at him, kind of unsure why he was upset. I mean really, this was a bit over the top.
"Dylan, what is it?" I asked him.
"I wanted to keep writing," in the whiniest voice he could muster.
Then I think my face mirrored his a bit because I felt so sad that I had to tell him to stop soon. He kind of tossed his pencil in frustration and began to clean up. I wasn't going to mention he still had five minutes, he was at the point of no return. But I stood back a moment and felt proud. My kids really love this time of day. It is probably their favorite. They love it so much they would rather write than go to lunch. I call that a big WIN!


  1. Wanting to write rather than going to lunch IS a big win! You've inspired them so much, Betsy!

  2. A big win, indeed - good for you...and good for your kids, Betsy.

  3. Those little goal is for them to continue to say this throughout all the grades, including Middle and High. I don't really think this is an impossible dream. xo

  4. What a great reason for a "mini-tantrum"! Great story. Yes, this is definitely a big win!

  5. Sounds like a reason to celebrate! We have been working this week on adding details to show emotion...Shoulders slumped, sad eyes, a pout, and to top it off a moan...picture it AaaaAAaaAAah! Perfect example!

  6. How wonderful to have that be the child's frustration! Not enough time to write.... still true for me today.

  7. This is exactly what I wish for all teachers to witness. You have lit the writing fire and I hope it never burns out. You need to write a book.

  8. You have inspired your students! They believe in their stories. They are looking for an audience. Could we read Dylan's story one day?

  9. Perfect!

    I always want to keep writing too. :)

  10. It is a big win-love the description of his expression, Betsy!

  11. Love it Betsy! Priceless. That is a BIG win indeed. And as a side note, all great authors need to eat! Fuel for the writer's brain! :) Thanks for sharing this celebration.


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