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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 23 of 31 #SOL16

WHEW! What a crazy couple of days. Lots of music has been alive in the Hubbard household. We had my son's band concert last night and my daughter's third-grade class concert this evening.

As a band parent, I supervised kids who were not on stage while the other band played. It was fun to see former students, "Hey! Do you remember me?"
This evening as a teacher, I again supervised students. The kids were so excited and it was fun to see them do such a nice job on "The BIG Stage."

I watched, as swarms of families and people from the community filled the auditorium. I work in a community that is very supportive of education. I haven't always taught in a district that had this philosophy. When things seem grim, and although it isn't perfect, I try to remind myself that there are many places where the support is nil and the respect is even less. I remind myself of the stories my husband tells me after a day in his district where daily fights and lockdown drills are the norms. Like I said, my district isn't perfect but when I see what I am surrounded by I have to be thankful.


  1. It's all about perspective and yours is a good one today. Glad you enjoyed two fun evenings of music!

  2. It's rewarding to see your children perform and I am sure it was fun to see some of your former students. Our community is close knit and will often come together to support a good cause.


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