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Monday, March 2, 2015


It was haircut day!

We took the day off school to head back home from my parent's house today. That meant we had a little time this afternoon for some kid haircuts.
My son is soon to be a ten year old and my daughter will be eight this month. Wow, were they ever spunky. I think there were seven rounds of the quiet game played by both of them, they even included Ryan, our haircut professional, a few times. Hilarious! He did not win.
What's funny about the quiet game? Well, when my kids play they constantly say, "pause...(insert conversation), unpause." Each game session has several of these moments. It isn't really the quiet game when it is paused and unpaused constantly, but it is pretty funny.


  1. I love that pausing and unpausing. It makes the game so personal!

  2. Our quiet game is the last five minutes of each hour of a car ride. The winner gets a quarter. My family hasn't discovered pause/unpause yet :) I'm not telling them either.

  3. Love the pausing and unpausing. Did they make up that "rule" or did you? How cute are they both! Happy hair cuts day!

  4. Adorable. I am totally going to use "pause" the next time I'm playing the quiet game : )

  5. Love the pausing/ way to win the quiet game!

  6. Listening for the funny things kids say or do (particularly like this when they don't even realize they are being funny) is surely one of the best sources of story / writing material. The unquiet quiet game... love it.

  7. Listening for the funny things kids say or do (particularly like this when they don't even realize they are being funny) is surely one of the best sources of story / writing material. The unquiet quiet game... love it.

  8. I still love taking pics of Isabelle when she gets her hair cut. Glad I'm not alone.


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