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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sunshine Streaming

I had to laugh last night when I saw this meme on Facebook.
I can't upload the video, but hopefully you can view it via the link above. When you get to the meme, click on it and the video will play.

I thought of it again this afternoon as I saw sunlight streaming in my classroom window. I have conferences again this evening pretty late so I haven't been able to go enjoy the sunlight yet, but I plan on watching a spectacular sunset on my way home.

Here is the view from my classroom window. For now this is as good as it gets, and frankly, I'm okay with that.


  1. Oh my gosh! Too funny! I feel the same way here in Ohio. Good luck with conferences.

  2. That's funny (and true!) no matter how many times I watch it. The roads are crazy but I sure am liking the sunshine! Hang in there tonight-almost done!!

  3. we usually don't have this problem in New York City, but this past week, we had 3 snowstorms in a row. Now I feel like that about, wow, I can finally see the curb. Three days in the 50s will do that pretty quick. In Vermont, they call this mud season. Do they have that in Michigan too?

  4. That was a funny video, Betsy, and oh so true for Long Island. Now that we can see the roads, we need to dodge the potholes that are huge. The sun was shiny brightly today and it is starting to warm-up.

  5. That was a funny video, Betsy, and oh so true for Long Island. Now that we can see the roads, we need to dodge the potholes that are huge. The sun was shiny brightly today and it is starting to warm-up.

  6. So cool!!! We haven't seen the sun consistently in Houston for about a month!! I Loved your post!

  7. Thanks for the last laugh before bedtime. That meme is great! Enjoy your sun.


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