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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Parable Writer?

I sat down and wrote the draft of a parable today. It was swirling around in my head this morning on the way to school. I don't think I have never written a parable, that I can remember. 
I often think of things in terms of comparisons and I was rehearsing a conversation in my head that I was going to have later in the day. I kept making different comparisons to try and figure out the best way to articulate my point without offending the person on the other side of the table, without putting them in defensive mode. 
As I rehearsed the conversation it started to turn into a story. I started telling the person a story to help her see my point. Mind you, this is all going on in my head, not really happening. The whole thing started to roll around in there and I realized I was writing a parable. It was quite possibly the most bizarre creation of a story I have ever had. 
I kept thinking about the story all day. Rewriting, changing the point of view, from second to third, then back to second. 
I got home and told my husband the story and then I typed it all out. It ended up different than the many tellings in my head but close. It's in the third person since that seemed more authentically parable-like. Again, I'm not a parable writing master. I will say, the idea is a keeper, but the draft definitely needs some work. 


  1. I don't know if I'd know a parable if I saw it face to face. I associate the word with the Bible. Now I will be looking them up- sounds more lyrical than I thought,

  2. I have no idea what a parable is, much less how to write one, but I think it's very cool how you got to your ending point. Isn't it interesting how our minds work? Love it!


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