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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Poetic Reminder

Tonight was my son's spring concert. It was adorable. They had singing, dancing, recorders playing and beautiful little voices. We were on our way home late this evening, well, I should say late for kids. I looked out my window at about 7:30 when my husband quickly pulled over the car. We have a thing about sunsets or really any kind of moment we want to capture of the sun with our camera. I think we pulled over and turned around a total of four times to get the perfect shot. Most of those are on my husband's phone, they don't do the scene justice, but I got a few shots as well. It reminded me of some poems I wrote a while back and I decided to search for them on my other blog I Think in Poems.

Contrails and the Light

Bright white beams
stripe the sky
contrails wisp
and climb up high.

Yellowed light beams
stripe the grass
coming then going
in daylight’s pass.

Earth’s Rhythm

Alone and brittle
the last leaf to fall
a tumbling tempo
a breakable ball.

Winter memories
replaced with blooms
puddles pinked
by sunset hues.

Summer sand
a stinging splash  
long days to come
storms will pass

Life sings a song
seasons hum
my heart beats
earth’s rhythmic drum


  1. These are lovely, Betsy, especially this stanza from the second poem:
    Life sings a song
    seasons hum
    my heart beats
    earth’s rhythmic drum

  2. Contrails is such a great word. thank you for sharing these beautiful moments and poems. I needed that moment at the end of a very long day. Perfect note to go home on:)

  3. I had to laugh because I too am always trying to catch those great scenes on my camera. They never look the same as that moment. My favorite part of your poem:
    Winter memories

    replaced with blooms

    puddles pinked

    by sunset hues

    We have had a lot of beautiful sunsets and sunrises this year I have noticed.

  4. Summer sand
    a stinging splash
    long days to come
    storms will pass

    Yes please! I remember the poems and enjoyed them again! Beautiful pictures too!

  5. Betsy,
    I'm a little obsessed with sunsets (and sunrises) too. Thanks for sharing the beautiful words to go along with your photos. Loved this line: "daylight's pass."


  6. I see why you stopped for the pictures! The poems have a lovely rhythm. I like the imagery of these words: "puddles pinked
    by sunset hues."


Thanks for the comment love!