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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

OLW: Silence

Kris, from I Survived Today, wrote about her OLW for 2014. It made me realize it has been a while since I reflected on my word, Silence. I started thinking about it more today and realized I am living my word but I can do better. I sat in a school improvement meeting all afternoon today and found myself very silent in the cloud of overwhelming numbers and work to be done. I did a lot of listening but could have used some mental silence. I had the rest of my conferences this evening and listened to parents talk about their child. They were nice conferences and I felt good afterward. On my drive home I was all by myself in the car. I turned off the radio. Looked out the window at the gray and wrote this in my head:

silent colors
silent light
hidden behind
a cloud of white
speckled gray
and mist falls through
the sky is quiet
between the blue


  1. Beautiful poem, Betsy. It captures the beauty of a nighttime drive home where you're just one with the road and the world around you.

  2. Sounds like you really needed those few quiet moments on the way home after that day! Your description of night time is very vivid. You know just the right words to choose that provide the reader with food for thought.

  3. Your poem is beautiful Betsy. You have such a great way of choosing just the right words. I love the last two lines - " the sky is quiet between the blue." Enjoy the silence!

  4. I love the idea of writing a poem in your head as you drive home. Sometimes the car is the only place where I can find silence...

  5. What a lovely poem. Silence - love your choice for your OLW.


Thanks for the comment love!