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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Accountability List: Day 21

My goals for spring break!

As I sit here, after a long (short) 4 day week, I'm thinking about what I hope to accomplish. The list in my head is a bit unreasonable. Keeping this in mind, my accountability list below is going to alternate between something fulfilling for myself among the things I want to finish. 

Here goes:

Re-do and fill my photo frames with updated pictures.

Mop my floors.

Take lots of walks.

Clean the window sills.

Do my nails.

Organize my closet for spring. 

Go get coffee with my sister. 

Wash the kitchen cabinet doors. 

Make some delicious salads for the week. 

Take a small book shelf to my classroom. 

Go out to breakfast. 

Do some lesson planning/pacing. 

Get together with my friends for lunch. 


  1. Your list shares some socialising, exercising and getting out of the house. Yes those naps are needed too or just some rest before going back to school.

  2. It appears to me that you have a task and then something fun. Great strategy. I also remember that I always thought I could do more than I could on a break. Be kind to yourself. And it's okay if you just do some of that list. Naps are a priority!

  3. I can relate! I'm on spring break right now and I wish it would never end. So far I've done a few of the things on my wish list...but there's never enough time! And thanks for the reminder to mop the floors. I definitely need to do that.

  4. This is a perfect list of need to do and want to do! I hope you are able to most of the needs and all of the wants!


Thanks for the comment love!