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Friday, March 15, 2024

Friday Tired: Day 15

It's been a long, long week. Next week will likely not let up. But...after four more work days, I'll be on spring break. I'm so grateful for the weekend. 

This week brought:

Students in crisis 
Lots of staff out
Several sick kids
Time change burnout
Low energy
Teachers feeling feelings
Budgets due--today
Leadership planning
Behavior plan changes
One after school parent meeting
One planning time parent meeting
Concerned emails
Phone calls with concerned parents
One staff meeting
Two days of after school help
A dehumidifier malfunction
A huge loud fan in my room all day
Snacks given
Mints given
Tissues given
Card game fun
Smiles on the way out
When Friday finally finished. 


  1. I felt this in my soul! What a long week indeed. I love how you play with words to exemplify a teacher’s week, especially the week before Spring Break. My favorite is the capitalization in high ENERGY. Absolutely!

  2. I'm feeling your week as I finish one that was similarly draining. But 23 parent conferences done and the weekend lays ahead. Deep breath. We can do this. (Although I have 10 more work days before Spring Break.)

  3. Five more days until break for us, and I am counting it down for sure. I really like this format to collect what stood out from the week. I am going to try to be intentional about collecting a few things each day for an end-of-the-week wrap-up next week.

  4. This is such a wonderful model of how powerful lists can be. I love how you place items next to each other that are only slightly different in how they're worded (low energy/high ENERGY, one after school parent meeting/one planning time parent meeting)--those juxtapositions highlight the never-endingness and exhaustion of teaching.


Thanks for the comment love!