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Sunday, March 17, 2024

Early Birthday Dinner: Day 17

It's the seventeenth day of March, and my youngest will be seventeen in just over a week. It's always hard to believe that kids grow up. As a teacher, I've watched all kinds of kids grow older. When it is your own, it still can catch you off guard. 

Yesterday, we had an early birthday dinner and gift-opening celebration with my parents. Arie was amazed and shocked. 

Arie is a big crafter: paints, crochet, beads, clay, and all things paper-related. My mom is also a big crafter and loves this trait of Arie's. It is something they can share with each other. So, when my mom asked about getting Arie a Cricut Joy, I knew that would get a big smile. 

What do you think?


  1. I'm an old crafter, but had never heard of this tool. It looks extremely useful. All crafting tools are useful. Happy crafting, and happy birthday, to your daughter! I know that feeling of them growing up. Wait until she is 50 — that will really make your head spin.

  2. Oh the places she'll go and the crafts she'll create with the Cricut! Crafting with a family member who also enjoys it makes for special memories and projects. I hear you regarding watching your own kids grow; it seems to go so much faster. Here's to many more birthdays and fun craft supplies.

  3. She looks very happy. It is nice that she shares that passion with family too. I agree, kids grow up, especially our own, way too fast!


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