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Friday, March 15, 2019

Best Part of My Week

I'm not going to lie, this week was long, hard, and rough around all the edges. At times I felt as though I was torturing myself. Which, I realize sounds dramatic. It's meant to sound that way. I rarely over-exaggerate or complain, at least I hope I rarely entangle myself in those behaviors. But, wow, it felt hard.

Then, there were these fifteen minutes. Fifteen glorious little minutes where I surrounded myself with wonder, possibility, and joy.

I went to preschool.

Just to visit. Just to be around the little people. It was by far the best part of my week. I met kids I've never met before. I banged on a drum. I watched a dinosaur fight a bear. I played with baby dolls. I listened to a story about myself and my imaginary baby, named Jason all drawn out on the corner of a piece of paper. I could not have been showered with more happiness and engagement than those precious fifteen minutes. It was the perfect dose of play and conversation with little people who didn't know me.

It was the best part of my week.


  1. Such possibility in those open eyes and minds. This is lovely and a the visit (a mini-vacation?) a gift you deserve every now and then. Happy Weekend!

  2. Sounds like a great way to end a busy week! The youngest kids in the school are usually having the most fun.

  3. You took us there with you. The little ones are truly enchanting and have a positive effect on you.

  4. I can't wait to hear more about this visit! :)

  5. Awwwwwwww! I love this post, and such a good reminder for those of us who spend lots of time in preschool to remember how beautiful it really is. Your perspective is just what I needed.


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