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Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019

Memories seem so intangible at times. Do I remember that right? Did I just fill in a blank? They are intangible until you cry a tear and the tear is touchable. A touchable memory.

Memories feel so far away. I mean, they are memories, so it makes sense. It's just so hard to think sometimes that moments become memories and yet so many others just become forgotten.

Today marks the 28th anniversary of my grandmother's death. Many years have passed, and many times I have written about that day. Sometimes I haven't. I have many memories on that day some of which I have objects from that make it more of a tangible memory.

I wish I had more memories of time with my grandmother. I only got twelve years with her, and the things I remember are probably enough but feel too small.
  • Skipping in the parking lot of D&W.
  • The green fruit salad bowl.
  • Her terrarium that she cherished. Climbing into her bed on Christmas morning because it was too early. 
  • Angel food cake with strawberries.
  • Peeking through the opening of the kitchen to the living room.
  • Her smile.
  • Her laugh--a faint sound in the back of my mind.
I wish I remembered more. I wish some of my happiest memories with her were as touchable in my thoughts as the day she died.

Not every link below is a story of my grandmother, but almost all of them are. I've rounded them up here because I know next year I will want to go back and read all the posts I've written on this day. Your welcome Betsy of 2020. Betsy of 2019 was thinking ahead for you.

March 17, 2018
March 17, 2017
March 17, 2016
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2014
March 17, 2013
March 17, 2012


  1. There's a lot of theories that no memories are entirely accurate, but sometimes the way we remember something has that magical element that helps preserve a loved one in unbreakable beauty forever.

  2. Cherished memories of grandma! I'm inspired to write down memories of my grandma too.

  3. I had 12 years with my grandpa, and feel similarly. There are snippets of moments, little whispers of memories. Do I remember them, or are they just stories told enough times that they feel like memories? I love that you've compiled a collection!


Thanks for the comment love!