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Thursday, March 5, 2020

Knotted Up

Today was an interesting flop of a day. I was quite ready. I stayed up later than usual and got lots done. I had some quiet time to focus and was feeling really prepared for a good day.

My students have been really struggling to distinguish between area and perimeter. Now, they know what each is. They can tell you what they both mean. They can do a whole lot! I was feeling confident that I could really stretch them today and build the connections we were missing. So I did, and instead of stretching them, I'm pretty sure I tied up all their understanding into knots.
I sat there, watching it happen. Wondering what happened. Where did the clarity go? 
I switched gears as soon as I could to a related skill. 
Not much better. 
I pulled my small groups over, tried to prep them more, really get them thinking first, then attempting independence. 
It was no use. 

It was back to the drawing board. I exhaled, grabbed the 1-inch tiles, and gave out sets for kids to build rectangles.
I'm hoping tomorrow is a bit more successful. It amazed me how, when I thought we were ready to go a step further, we actually went further away from our destination. Time to slow down. 


  1. I feel the same way. Before last week ... the snow days, the sick days, the early release.... they were progressing and able to handle the next connected idea but now it's like a fishing trip trying to reel in a big giant tuna fish. Struggling for all it's worth. Then I realize I can't go any faster then they are willing to allow it so I back it down and give them the line. :)Kris

  2. Your title perfectly sums up the day. I have also had a challenging day and can relate to the fact that sometimes, in spite of the best of plans, things do not go as planned!

  3. But your awareness brings clarity in sense. Time to pull it back and try again.

  4. Time to slow down! I feel that deep inside. I get in such a rush at this time of year. I feel the pressure of June slowly getting closer and I think I need to do so much before then! But that gets us nowhere. Time to slow down.

  5. Learning is sometimes more fragile than we realize, elusive, tenuous. Sounds like you're already ready to try, try again...

  6. I was just having a conversation with my sister in law tonight about math pacing. She also teaches 3rd grade- just a couple of towns away from me- but she is so far ahead of where I am in the curriculum. Meanwhile, my son is in third grade and I feel like he hasn't learned as much as I've been teaching- a few units behind where I am. I don't teach perimeter until the end of the year but I taught area. It is crazy how different it can be in different schools and states!


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