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Friday, March 27, 2020

What Day is It?

Have you seen those memes on Facebook that say something like, "I don't know who needs this but it's [insert the current day's name]?"

I laughed at those. It's funny how when you are home, days begin to all blur together. We've been doing pretty good keeping track, or so I thought.

Elliot is my son. Shawn is my husband-his dad. This conversation had me laughing tonight.

Elliot: "It's Tuesday."
Shawn: "Huh? No, it's Friday. Wait, what day do you think it is?"

Elliot: "It's like Tuesday or Wednesday."
Shawn: "No, it's Friday."

Elliot: "No, it is not dad," as he walks back up the stairs.

Me, casually: "Uh, yes, it is Friday."

Clomp, clomp, clomp.

Elliot: "What, wuh?

He comes back down the stairs and looks at me with that crooked eyebrow "huh" face he always makes.

Elliot: "It's Friday? No way."

Me, laughing, "Yes, it is."

Elliot: "How? Oh my gosh. How"--looks at the whiteboard, squinting, like as if it's going to change somehow. "Yep, Friday. Huh, I had no idea."


  1. YES! That's the perfect conversation to illustrate this weird feeling of not knowing what day it is. It's like summer but not... it's even weirder.

  2. Crazy how much our conversations have changed in a short space of time! Who'd have thought you wouldn't remember the day of the week? Wait was your son behind or ahead of real time??! Thanks for capturing it with such humour!


Thanks for the comment love!