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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Sun in My Sight

Today was a blue sky, sunshine blinding day. We've had a couple now and I must say they never get old. As I perused an old notebook this evening, I read some poems. It always surprises me to read a poem I wrote a year or two ago and suddenly I remember where I was. One of the poems I read tonight was from a trip this past summer. I decided to read, rewrite, and revise a bit of this one. It makes me excited to imagine trips for the summer in the woods, on the beach, in my beautiful state.

How could I use
even my best words on this place?
I would waste them,
as they could never
measure these feelings.
Beauty? No.
Amazement? No.
The blues, too blue to conceive a name.
The greens, too emerald to compare.
The caps, too ivory to explain
and the rock dotted sand
corse on my heals I won't dare
describe the discomfort.
But it melts in the yellow and
rides with the ripples
carrying glimmers of everlasting light
and my gratitude on the waves.

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