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Friday, March 4, 2022

Morning Snuggle Time: SOLSC 4 of 31

Two years ago, life was beginning to turn in an unthinkable direction. We were days from a lockdown we won't soon forget. When weeks had passed, I realized I didn't have a lot of answers, and at times it felt like the sadness and worry within our small house was unbearable. We had talked about getting a dog and decided not too many months earlier. I remember that idea shifting quickly by late March 2020 to--how soon can we get a dog. We weren't alone in that mindset. I always laugh at the memes that say things like, if you didn't get a dog, have a baby, or get an air fryer during the pandemic, raise your hand--as if to say it's rare to say no to all three. 

By the first week in April, we had a puppy, which shifted everyone's mood. Now we have a dog, and as crazy as she can be, she's been a great addition to my routine. Since we first got her, she and I have had our snuggle time on the couch every morning. It's some of my favorite quiet times in the day. We get up together, usually before anyone else. I make lunches, tidy the kitchen, make some coffee, and she waits for me by the kitchen. As soon as I'm on the couch, I pull a blanket over myself to settle into a cozy spot. She grabs a knotted ball, bone, or chew toy and climbs up on my lap. 

She's over 50 pounds, so a bit big to be sitting on my lap, but it is so comforting. She's like a weighted blanket that settles me down before the day begins. Every day I look forward to our quiet cuddle time before anyone else is up and stirring around the house. 


  1. Awww, how sweet! My sister and her dog have exactly the same morning routine!

  2. I can picture it. How relaxing and invigorating! Our 100 pound lab loves to TRY and sit on our laps. She thinks she is a lap dog...she is not. And we love her that way. :)


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