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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Small Scale-Rabbit Hole Wonders: SOLSC 2 of 31

As I got ready to sit down to write my slice, I went to quickly visit my post from yesterday. It got me thinking about titles. Not because I was thinking about how titles can be important or not important. No, I was thinking about titles because I realized part of my title made no sense. It made me chuckle. 

Yesterday's title read, Green Thumb Dreams: SOLSC 1 of 1

I've since changed it to Green Thumb Dreams: SOLSC 1 of 31

I mean, wow, if the challenge was to do something one time, I'm already successful! But, obviously, it was a typo, and I didn't mean it to seem like I was only going to write one post. 

But then I started to think about it more. Some years, during the challenge, I have done the number title on its own (i.e., Day 2 of 31, etc.). Most years, my SOL titles have matched the content. One year, I spelled out the numbers and did a content title. This year I seem to have done some variation of all forms.

I don't pay a LOT of attention to the titles of other people's slices. I also don't pay much mind to my own, but I kind of started wondering, why was I suddenly combining all of these formats? It was a train of thought with no purpose, just a wonder. Did I consciously make the decision? Did I see someone else's post title? Was I influenced in some way? 

Anyway, it just reminded me that brains are funny. That a little thought can grow into a full moment, and in this case, a whole slice of life story. 


  1. I agree, our brains are funny. It is interesting what sidesteps and segues they make.
    At any rate, titling tomorrow‘s post should be a snap for you.

  2. Huh.
    Funny, because I struggled on day one (was that only yesterday?) with the same idea -- how to create the first title to make it replicable for all 31. I'm not sure my choice was all that successful but it's there, and I'm going with it.

  3. I also struggled with what to name my blog...I actually think coming up with the blog name was harder than figuring out what to write has been!

  4. I looked at last years, decided to add the year - 1/31/22 and then took out the year. Oh the rabbit holes we can fall into! I like how you put the title first followed by the slice number. I'm always excited when I hit 16/31 and know that I'm past the halfway mark.

  5. Interestingly in other years I have had the number in the title and this year I opted not to- who knows what inspires us?!

  6. It seems you like variety, since you've used the numbers in slice titles in different ways over the years. Titles are important in most works, but in slices, I think the description of one's post in the TWT comment is more important, since that's what attracts me to read.


Thanks for the comment love!