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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Pi Slice: SOLSC 16 of 31

Pi Day came and went. I had all the ingredients we needed for the perfect pie to bake, but somehow, that did not happen. 
Arie decided to celebrate a couple days late. This is a triple berry pie with a star top crust. It not only came out rusticly beautiful, but it was delicious. 
A barely-slice is left, sitting in the pan, waiting for someone to devour it. I think everyone is wondering who will eat it. Does this happen in other houses? No one wants to be the one to eat the last of something, so they leave a barely-something. I think it's meant to be a kind gesture, or maybe it is a self-protective practice. It wasn't me. Either way, I think that barely-slice will be mine if it sits there much longer. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this because it's so true. However, I also notice that as someone who lives alone, I often lose interest in food when there is only a few bits left. This has led to having to reminding myself to purchase in smaller containers and to purge every few weeks.


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