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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tea Time: SOLSC 29 of 31

It's early evening, and the air has me feeling worn down. My throat is dry. The air is cold and indecisive. It felt like a good time for tea. Not quite dinner time, too late for coffee. I ate a few strawberries while deciding what tea I would drink. I went with the mango passionfruit blend. 
My tea cupboard is a point of pride. I love having an organized cabinet.  

While the water warmed, I looked for a mug. This one seemed about right. It's cute but with the right amount of sass to encourage me to write a slice, read some more, and avoid taking a nap before dinner prep begins. 
A bit of sass. 
Tea time is a quiet time. 


  1. I'm the same - coffee in the AM and tea in the evening!

  2. Love this ... am I tea first in the morning then coffee and then tea for the rest of the day. Your cabinet is amazing - mine looks NOTHING like it. Glad you found your inspiration.

  3. Love how you described the air as indecisive, and then you had to decide on the tea. On days like this, warm drinks in sassy mugs are the perfect remedy. A respite. Whoops, I better prep dinner now.

  4. That's an inspiring collection. I thought I had a lot! I, too, am a morning coffee and evening tea gal.

  5. I'm the same kind of person. One of my favorite brands of tea in the moment is Puka. Lots of teas to be indecisive about.

  6. A lovely peek into your world. You have an amazing selection of teas. If I drink tea it is usually in the evening.


Thanks for the comment love!